Prof. Nadav Na'Aman

Emeritus in Archaeology
ארכיאולוגיה אמריטוס
Prof. Nadav Na'Aman
Office: Carter, 307


Professor of Jewish History

Department of Jewish History

Member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities



Curiculum Vitae

1939   Born in Jerusalem

1957-1960     I.D.F. Military service

1967   B.A. in Archaeology and Jewish History (cum laude)

1971   M.A. in Jewish History (summa cum laude)

1975   Ph.D. granted by Tel Aviv University. Doctoral dissertation The Political Disposition and Historical Development of Eretz-Israel according to the Amarna Letters (Profs. Y. Aharoni and A.F. Rainey - supervisors).

1975-1979     Lecturer in Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Tel Aviv University.

1979-1984     Senior Lecturer.

1984-1989     Associate Professor in Jewish History.

1989-present  Full Professor of Jewish History,TelAvivUniversity.

1991-1995   Chairperson of the Department of Jewish History

2005-2009   Incumbent, the Kaplan Chair for the History of Egypt and Israel in Ancient Time, Tel Aviv University.

October 2007 Retirement from university.

June 2012  Member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.


Grants and Prizes

October 2003 – September 2007 – Research grant, the Israel Science Foundation (ISF)

2004 – Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi prize for the history of Eretz-Israel, for the book ‘the Past that Shapes the Present.

2006 – The Landau prize of Miph‛al ha-Payis in the field of biblical and Jewish history in the biblical period.

October 2018 – September 2022 – Research grant, the Israel Science Foundation (ISF).



MA. students

E. Ben Zvi, A. Zertal, Y. Dagan, R. Kletter, A. Fantalkin, Y. Thareani Sussely, D. Sroka, E. Kogan-Zehavi, H. Torge, Ido Koch.

Ph.D. students

A. Zertal, A. Ofer, R. Kletter, O. Lipschits, A. Ashman, C. Edenburg, N. Franklin, A. Sumakai-Fink, Y. Thareani, S. Hasegawa, B. Stavi, Ido Koch.

Research Fields and Interests


Jewish History

Ancient Near East




Current Projects

• Historiography in the Ancient Near East and in the Bible

• History of Israel in the Monarchial Period

• Archaeology and Biblical History



Selected Publications


1. Borders and Districts in Biblical Historiography. Seven Studies in Biblical Geographical Texts, Jerusalem l986. 275 pp.

2. The Past that Shapes the Present. The Creation of Biblical Historiography in the Late First Temple Period and After the Downfall (Yeriot 3), Jerusalem 2002 (Hebrew). 128 pp.

3. Inscribed in Clay. Provenance Study of the Amarna Tablets and other Ancient Near Eastern Texts (Monograph Series of the Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology 23), Tel Aviv: Tel Avis University 2004 (co-authors: Yuval Goren and Israel Finkelstein). 384 pp.

4. Ancient Israel and Its Neighbors: Interaction and Counteraction. Collected Essays, vol. 1, Winona Lake 2005.

5. Canaan in the Second Millennium B.C.E. Collected Essays, vol. 2, Winona Lake 2005.

6. Ancient Israel’s History and Historiography: The First Temple Period. Collected Essays, vol. 3, Winona Lake 2006.


Articles (2014-2018)

287. The Interchange between Bible and Archaeology: The Case of David's Palace and the Millo, Biblical Archaeology Review 40/1 (2014), 57-61, 68-69.

288. The Ephrathite Settlement in Bethlehem and the Dispute over the Location of Rachel's Tomb, Zion 79 (2014), 5-17 (Hebrew).

289. The Fortified Cities of the êiddim (Joshua 19,35), Biblische Notizen NF 160 (2014), 59-67.

290. Dismissing the Myth of a Flood of Israelite Refugees in the Late Eighth Century BCE, Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 126 (2014), 1-14.

291. Jerusalem in the First Temple Period: Between Historical-Biblical and Archaeological Research, Cathedra 151 (2014), 7-34 (Hebrew).

292. The Jacob Story and the Formation of Biblical Israel, Tel Aviv 41 (2014), 95-125.

293. The Settlement of the Ephrathites in Bethlehem and the Location of Rachel's Tomb, Revue biblique 121/4 (2014), 516-529.

294. The Town of Pegor in the District of Bethlehem (Joshua 15:59A), in J.-M. Durand and J. Elayi (eds.), Bible et Orient. Mélanges André Lemaire III (Transeuphratène 46), Paris 2014, 156-158.

295. Jebusites and Jabeshites in the Saul and David Story-Cycles, Biblica 95 (2014), 481-497.

296. Out of Egypt or Out of Canaan? The Exodus Story between Memory and Historical Reality, in T.E. Levy, T. Schneider W.H.C. Propp (eds.), Israel's Exodus in Transdisciplinary Perspective – Text, Archaeology, Culture, and Geoscience, Cham, Switzerland 2015, 527-533.

297. Abraham’s Victory over the Kings of the Four Quadrants in Light of Darius I’s Bisitun Inscription. Tel Aviv 42 (2015), 72-88.

298. Literacy in the Negev in the Late Monarchical Period, in B.B. Schmidt (ed.), Contextualizing Israel’s Sacred Writings. Ancient Literacy, Orality, and Literary Production (Ancient Israel and Its Literature 22), Atlanta 2015, 47-70

299. Judah and Edom in the Book of Kings and in Historical Reality, in R.I. Thelle, T. Stordalen and M.E.J. Richardson (eds.), New Perspectives on Old Testament Prophecy and History. Essays in Honour of Hans M. Barstad (VTS 168), Leiden and Boston 2015, 197-211.

300. Four Notes on the Ancient Near Eastern Marzeaú, in M.C.A. Korpel and L.L. Grabbe (eds.), Open-mindedness in the Bible and Beyond: A Volume of Studies in Honour of Bob Becking ((Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies 616), London 2015, 215-222.

301. The Book of Hosea as a Source for the Last Days of the Kingdom of Israel, Biblische Zeitschrift 59 (2015), 232-256.

302. The Pre-Priestly Abraham Story as a Unified Exilic Work, Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 29/2 (2015), 157-181

303. Amasa the Asrielite (2 Samuel 17,25), Semitica 57 (2015), 177-183.

304. A Request for Blessing and Prosperity in an Inscription from Samaria, in I.D. Wilson and D.V. Edelman (eds.), History, Memory, Hebrew Scriptures. A Festschrift for Ehud Ben Zvi, Winona Lake 2015, 91-101.

305. A New Outlook at Kuntillet ‛Ajrud and its Inscriptions, Maarav 20/1 (2013) [2015], 39-51.

306. Does Archaeology Deserve the Status of a '"High Court" in Biblical Historical Research? in I. Etkes, D. Assaf and Y. Kaplan (eds.), Milestones. Essays in Jewish History Dedicated to Zvi (Kuti) Yekutiel, Jerusalem 2015, 17-31 (Hebrew).

307. Algorithmic Handwriting Analysis of Judah's Military Correspondence Sheds Light on Composition of Biblical Texts, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) (co-authors: S. Faigenbaum-Golovin, A. Shaus, B. Sober, D. Levin, B. Sass, E. Turkel, E. Piasetzky and I. Finkelstein) 2016.

308. The lmlk Seal Impressions Reconsidered. Tel Aviv 43 (2016), 111-125.

309. The ʻKenite Hypothesisʼ in the Light of the Excavations at Ḥorvat ‛Uza, in G. Bartoloni and M.G. Biga (eds.), Not Only History (Proceedings of the Conference in Honor of Mario Liverani Held in Sapienza-Università di Roma, Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità, 20-21 April 2009), Winona Lake 2016, 171-182.

310. Locating the Sites of Assyrian Deportees in Light of the Textual and Archaeological Evidence, in J. MacGinnis, D. Wicke and T Greenfield (eds.), The Provincial Archaeology of the Assyrian Empire (McDonald Institute Monographs), Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research 2016, 275-282.

311. A Violation of Royal Prerogative: The Shebna Prophecy (Isaiah 22.15-19) in Context, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 40/4 (2016), 451-465.

312. Notes on Some Hebrew Inscriptions from the Beersheba Valley, Eretz Israel 32 (2016), 142-148 (Hebrew).

313. Obadiah and History, in B. Becking (ed.). Obadiah (Readings: A New Biblical Commentary), Sheffield 2016, 14-31.

314. Dor and Iron Age IIA Chronology, BASOR 376 (2016), 1-5.

315. Queen Athaliah as a Literary-Historical Figure, Semitica 58 (2016), 181-205.

316. The Boundaries of the Promised Land in the Patriarchal Narratives, Biblische Notizen NF 170 (2016), 3-12.

317. King Mesha’s Occupation of Jahaz, Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 42/1 (2016), 101-107.

318. Memories of Canaan in the Old Testament, Ugarit-Forschungen 47 (2016), 129


319. Arpad and Aram: Reflection of a Dimorphic Society in the Sefîre Treaty, Revue d'Assyriologie 110 (2016), 79-88.

320. The Royal Dynasties of Judah and Israel, Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 22 (2016), 59-74.

321. Khirbet Qeiyafa as a Canaanite City between Philistia and the Judean Highlands, Zion 82 (2017), 5-36 (Hebrew).

322. The Judahite Temple at Tel Moṣa near Jerusalem – The House of Obed-Edom? Tel Aviv 44 (2017), 3-13.

323. Was an Early Edition of the Book of Kings Composed during Hezekiah's Reign? Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 31/1 (2017), 80-91.

324. Samuelʼs Birth Legend and the Sanctuary of Shiloh, Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 43/1 (2017), 51-61.

325. In Search of the Temples of YHWH of Samaria and YHWH of Teman, Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions 17 (2017), 76-95.

326. Was Khirbet Qeiyafa a Judahite City? The Case against It. Journal of Hebrew Scriptures. Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 17 (2017), Article 7 (1-40).

327. Rediscovering a Lost North Israelite Conquest Story, in O. Lipschits, Y. Gadot and M.J. Adams (eds.), Rethinking Israel: Studies in the History and Archaeology of Ancient Israel in Honor of Israel Finkelstein, Winona Lake 2017, 287-302.

328. Memories of Monarchical Israel in the Narratives of Davidʼs Wars with Israelʼs Neighbours, Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 6 (2017), 308-328.

329. Qurdi-Aššur-lamur as Governor in Phoenicia and South Syria, N.A.B.U. 2018/1 No. 26, 42-45.

330. The Battle of Gibeah Reconsidered (Judges 20:29-48), Vetus Testamentum 68 (2018), 102-110.

331. Game of Thrones: Solomonʼs ʻSuccession Narrativeʼ and Esarhaddonʼs Accession to the Throne, Tel Aviv 45 (2018), 89-113.

332. Locating the Sanctuaries of YHWH of Samaria and YHWH of Teman, Eretz Israel 33 (2018), 176-185 (Hebrew).

333. Echoes of the Israelite Conquest and Settlement of the Mishor in the Book of Numbers, Semitica 60 (2018), 183-219.

334. Source and Composition in the Story of Shebaʼs Revolt (2 Samuel 20), Revue biblique 125 (2018), 340-352.

335. An altar for YHWH in the Land of Aram (2 Kings 5:17), Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions 18 (2018), 133–144.


Full Publication List