ד"ר אבן-גרי [אוון] כהן

סגל אקדמי בכיר בחוג לבלשנות
חוג לבלשנות סגל אקדמי בכיר
ד"ר אבן-גרי [אוון] כהן
טלפון פנימי: 03-6405026
פקס: 03-6405109
משרד: ביה"ס לשפות, 403



1996, BA linguistics (cum laude), Tel-Aviv University

2003, MA linguistics (magna cum laude), Tel-Aviv University

2009, Ph.D. linguistics, Tel-Aviv University



Phonetics - perception, production, acoustics

Loanword Phonology


Experimental approaches to Phonology-Phonetics

Heritage Linguistics

Research Interests

The field of my research, previous, current and future, is the acoustic and articulatory aspects of natural language (phonetics), formal models representing these aspects (phonology), the perceptual nature of the interface between them, and the practical implications for all of the above.

My Ph.D. dissertation presents a formal model of similarity in phonology, based on the representation of acoustics and phonetics. I focused on loanwords, particularly with respect to vocalic patterns in adaptation (Cohen 2010). The data were primarily based on a corpus I constructed and empirical methods examining the hypotheses arising from the research. These two manners of research, corpus analysis and experimental work, are still my preferred approach to phonological analysis.

Following my Ph.D., my research shifted to the examination of various phonetic and phonological universals, a major issue arising from my dissertation. I dealt with stress in blends (Bat-El and Cohen 2012), and stress in Hebrew in general (Cohen and Ussishkin 2013), an issue I have recently returned to. I continued dealing with vowels and loanwords, primarily with universal constraints governing vowel harmony patterns in adult Hebrew (Cohen 2013a, Cohen 2013c). I proceeded to investigate general issues of vowel harmony, shifting my focus to language acquisition. An extensive corpus analysis of vowel harmony during acquisition, a previously little studied issue in Hebrew, shed some light not only on the nature of harmony in general and Hebrew in particular, but on the roles of universals during acquisition (Cohen 2013b).

I have recently concluded writing a series of papers (see publications) on various aspects of Modern Hebrew phonetics and phonology, focusing on Loanword Phonology, Stress, Rhotics and the Hebrew segmental inventory.

My current research focuses on Ultrasound Tongue Imaging (UTI) of Modern Hebrew, speaker variation, non-native speakers, Heritage speakers and bilingual speakers, contributing to a better understanding of the interactions between phonological systems. I plan on extending the study to clinical application of the UTI study.


Refereed Articles in Journals

  1. E. Cohen. 2012. Vowel harmony and universality in Hebrew acquisition. Brill’s Annual of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics 4:7-29.
  2. E. Cohen. 2013. The Emergence of the Unmarked: Vowel Harmony in Hebrew Loanword Adaptation. Lingua 131:66-79.
  3. E. Cohen. 2015. Phoneme complexity and frequency in the acquisition of Hebrew rhotics. Journal of Child Language Acquisition and Development 3(1):1-11.
  4. E. Cohen and A. Ben-David. 2016. The role of allophony and frequency in the acquisition of the Hebrew rhotic. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 30:101-118. (http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/4Hm6ZQvfsbkFZ6M7ATFT/full).
  5. L. Laks, E. Cohen and S. Azulay-Amar. 2016. Paradigm uniformity and the locus of derivation: The case of vowel epenthesis in Hebrew verbs. Lingua 170:1-22.
  6. D. Asherov, A. Fishman and E. Cohen. 2016. Vowel reduction in Israeli Heritage Russian. Heritage Language Journal 13(2):113-133.
  7. L. Laks and E. Cohen. 2016. Component-dependent allomorphy and paradigm accessibility: Evidence from Hebrew. Morphology. DOI 10.1007/s11525-016-9288-1
  8. E. Cohen, V. Silber-Varod and N. Amir. 2018. The acoustics of primary and secondary stress in Modern Hebrew. Brill’s Annual of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics 10:5-23.
  9. E. Cohen. 2019. Loanword Phonology in Modern Hebrew. N. Faust, O. Bat-El and E. Cohen (eds.) Brill’s Annual of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics 11:182-200.
  10. E. Cohen, L. Laks and C. Savu. 2019. The Phonetics of Hebrew Rhotics. N. Faust, O. Bat-El and E. Cohen (eds.) Brill’s Annual of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics 11:28-48.
  11. O. Bat-El, E. Cohen, V. Silber-Varod. 2019. Hebrew Stress: Phonology and Phonetics. N. Faust, O. Bat-El and E. Cohen (eds.) Brill’s Annual of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics 11:96-118.
  12. D. Asherov and E. Cohen. 2019. A Phonetic Description of Modern Hebrew Consonants and Vowels. N. Faust, O. Bat-El and E. Cohen (eds.) Brill’s Annual of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics 11:3-27.
  13. N. Amir, E. Cohen, Y. Reshef and E. Gonen. 2019. Evidence of Recent Sound Change in Modern Hebrew – A Shift in Vowel Perception. International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. 349-352.
  14. A. Schonefeld, E. Cohen and O. Bat-El. 2019. Variable base-word positioning in English blends. Lexis 14:1-17.
  15. R. Schneider and E. Cohen. 2022. Case Syncretism: The case of Arabic plurals. Radical: A Journal of Phonology 4:183-210.

Refereed articles in Books

  1. E. Cohen. 2010. Predicting Adaptation Patterns: Multiple Sources of Hebrew Vowels in English Loanwords. Nicht-native Einheiten und Strukturen. Strategien der Integration und Isolation in der Sprache.In Anke Holler and Carmen Scherer (eds.). Tübingen: Niemeyer. 51-63.
  2. O. Bat-El and E. Cohen. 2012. Stress in English blends: A constraint-based approach. In V. Renner, F. Maniez and P. Arnaud (eds), Cross-disciplinary Perspectives on Lexical Blending, 193-211. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter
  3. E. Cohen. 2013. Prosodic factors in the adaptation of Hebrew rhotics in loanwords from English. Rhotics. In L. Spreafico and A. Vietti (eds), Rhotics. New data and perspectives, 191-206. Bozen-Bolzano: Bozen-Bolzano University Press.


Invited Articles in Encyclopaedias

  1. E. Cohen. 2013. Vowel harmony. In G. Kahn (ed), Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics (EHLL), 625-628. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
  2. E. Cohen and A. Ussishkin. 2013. Stress. In G. Kahn (ed.), Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics (EHLL), 979-981. Leiden/Boston: Brill.


Book Reviews

  1. E. Cohen. 2012. A review of Vowel Patterns in Language by Rachel Walker. The Phonetician 105-160:121-124.


Edited Volumes

  1. E. Cohen, 2011. Proceedings of the 27th meeting of the Israeli Association for Theoretical Linguistics. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  2. E. Cohen, 2012. Proceedings of the 28th meeting of the Israeli Association for Theoretical Linguistics. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  3. N. Faust, E. Cohen, and O. Bat-El. Special Issue on Modern Hebrew Phonology in Brill’s Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics.



  1. E. Cohen, 2011. The Emergence of UG in the Periphery: Vowel Harmony in Hebrew Loanwords. Proceedings of the 26th meeting of the Israeli Association for Theoretical Linguistics. http://linguistics.huji.ac.il/IATL/26/Cohen.pdf/
  2. E. Cohen. 2012. Two Paths – One Goal: Vowel Harmony in the Acquisition of Hebrew. In E. Cohen (ed.), Proceedings of the 28th meeting of the Israeli Association for Theoretical Linguistics. 1-24. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 68. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  3. N. Amir, E. Cohen, Y. Reshef, and E. Gonen. 2019. Evidence of Recent Change in Modern Hebrew – A Shift in Vowel Perception. Proceedings of ICPhs (pp. 349-352).
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