סמינר מחקר 22 במאי: James Woodward (University of Pittsburg) - The Worldly Infrastructure of Causation

יום ב׳ 22.5.2023, שעה 18:00, גילמן 496.


James Woodward

University of Pittsburg



The Worldly Infrastructure of Causation

Joint work with Naftali Weinberger and Porter Williams




This talk will describe an alternative to currently dominant philosophical approaches the metaphysics of causation. It is motivated by the gap that currently exists between metaphysical accounts and recent epistemological research on causal reasoning and methods for discovering causal relationships. Our approach aims at characterizing structural features of the actual world that support, and are exploited by, successful strategies for causal reasoning and discovery. We call these features the worldly infrastructure of causation. We identify several elements of this worldly infrastructure, sketch an account of their physical bases, and explain how they contribute to the possibility of successful causal reasoning.







התכנסות לקפה וכיבוד קל בשעה 17:45 ליד חדר 496


יו"ר: שאול קציר

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