לינוי נאמדאר



תואר שלישי


נושא עבודת המחקר: 

Historical Zooarchaeology of the Shephelah and Judean Hills Under Islamic Rule: Villages and Urban Centers, Economy and Trade Relations

מנחים: פרופ' לידר ספיר-חן ופרופ' יובל גדות


The goal of this research is to reconstruct the livestock economies and trade relations of urban and rural settlements, in Islamic Palestine. To do so, this interdisciplinary research combines zooarchaeological remains and data derived from British Mandate tax files. The faunal remains were derived from the mega excavations of the village- Tel Beth Shemesh (East), and the urban city of Mount Zion, Jerusalem. The historical data was analyzed into a statistical model to aid in distinguishing between urban and rural economies.



Mount Zion- Jerusalem
Tel Beit Shemesh (East)
Tel Aphek



Sapir-Hen, L., Namdar, L., 2024. Animal Management. In: Rehren, T., Nikita, E. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Archaeology, 2nd Edition, vol. 2, pp. 785–792, London: Academic Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-90799-6.00009-4

Namdar, L., Zimni, J., Lernau, O., Vieweger, D., Gadot, Y., and Sapir- Hen, L. 2024. Identifying Cultural Habits and Economical Preferences Islamic Period, Mount Zion, Jerusalem. Journal of Islamic Archaeology 10.2: 177-197

Namdar, L., and Sapir-Hen, L. 2023. The Faunal Remains from the Islamic Period, Area I. In J. Zimni (Ed.), Urbanism in Jerusalem from the Iron Age to the Medieval Period at the Example of the DEI Excavations on Mount Zion (pp. 826–863). University of Wuppertal

Namdar, L., and Sapir-Hen, L. 2023. The Byzantine and Early Islamic Bone Objects from Area I (2018-2020). In J. Zimni (Ed.), Urbanism in Jerusalem from the Iron Age to the Medieval Period at the Example of the DEI Excavations on Mount Zion (pp. 826–863). University of Wuppertal

Namdar, L. and Sapir-Hen, L. 2023. Animal Economy in the Chalcolithic of the Southern Levant: From Meat Source to Marketable Commodity. In: Ben-Yosef, E. and Jones, I., eds. “And in length of days understanding” (Job 12:12). Springer.

Namdar, L., Gadot, Y., Mavronanos, G., Gross, B., and Sapir-Hen, L. 2022. Frozen in Time: Caprines pen from an Early Islamic earthquake complex in Tel Beth Shemesh, Israel. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 45: 1-10
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103555

Namdar, L. Sapir- Hen, L. 2022. The Faunal Remains from Tel Halif. In: Borowski, O. Lahav Research Project Phase IV Special Studies. Georgia, Emory University

Namdar, L., Vardi, J., Paz, Y. and Sapir- Hen, L. 2021. Variation in economic specialization is revealed through the study of Pottery Neolithic faunal assemblages from the Southern Levant. Archaeological and Anthropological Science 13/207: 1-19
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-021-01446-6

Namder, L. and Sapir-Hen, L. Accepted. The Faunal Remains from the Abbasid and Fatimid Periods in Ramat Rahel. In: Lipschits, O. Freud, L, Manfred, O. and Gadot, Y. Ramat Raḥel V: The Renewed Excavations by the Tel Aviv-Heidelberg Expedition (2005-2010): The Finds. (Monograph Series of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University). Tel Aviv and University Park, PA.

Namder, L. and Sapir-Hen. L. Accepted. The Faunal Remains from Yefet Street, Jaffa. In: Fantalkin, A. and Taxel, I. Excavations at the Eastern Outskirts of Tel Yafo (Jaffa). Salvage Excavation Reports. Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology. Tel Aviv University.

Namder, L. and Sapir-Hen. L. Accepted. Appendix C: Faunal Remains. In: Kleiman, A. Salvage Excavation at the Early Bronze Age Site of Qiryat Ata–Area I2. Salvage Excavation Reports. Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology. Tel Aviv University.

Namder, L. and Sapir-Hen. L. Accepted. Zooarchaeological Report. In: Gross, B. (ed.). Salvage excavations in Beth-Shemesh East. Salvage Excavation Reports. Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology. Tel Aviv University.

Namder, L. and Sapir-Hen, L. Accepted. The Faunal Remains from Rishon LeTsiyon 1995-1996.

Namder, L. and Sapir-Hen, L. Accepted. The Faunal Remains from Givati Parking Lot, Area M.



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