רלי אבישר



תואר שלישי


נושא עבודת המחקר:

Elites and Prestige Objects in Judah during the Late Iron Age: A Social, Economic, and Cultural Analysis

מנחים: פרופ' יובל גדות ופרופ' עידו קוך


In the late Iron Age, the society of Judah was marked by a distinct stratification, with elites occupying the upper echelons. Within this social framework, prestige objects held significant importance, serving as markers of status, power, and cultural identity. These objects, not only reflected the economic prowess of the elite but also played a crucial role in shaping inter-group relations and establishing hierarchies. Through a comprehensive social, economic, and cultural analysis, I wish to unravel the complexities surrounding the production, distribution, and consumption of these objects. Such an examination sheds light on the interconnected dynamics of elite patronage, artisan craftsmanship, and societal values, providing invaluable insights into the underlying mechanisms driving Judahite society. By examining the material culture of the Late Iron Age, this research seeks to shed some light on the intricate tapestry of power, prestige, and identity that characterized this fascinating period in ancient history.



מנהלת מנהלת מעבדת משלחת חפירות מגידו

Assistant editor:
Adams, M. J., Cradic, M., and Finkelstein, I. (eds.). Forthcoming. Megiddo VII. The Shmunis Excavations of a Monumental Middle Bronze Tomb and Its Environs. Tel Aviv and Winona Lake. 

Project coordination:
Adams, M. J., Cradic, M., and Finkelstein, I. (eds.). Forthcoming. Megiddo VII. The Shmunis Excavations of a Monumental Middle Bronze Tomb and Environs.

Finkelstein, I. and Römer, T. (eds.). forthcoming. The Shmunis Family Excavations at Kiriath-jearim, 2017-2019.

Finkelstein, I., Adams, M. J., and Kleiman, A. (eds). In preparation. Megiddo VIII: The 2016-2022 Seasons.




Peer-Reviewed Articles
Avisar, R., Shalev, Y., Shochat, H., Gadot, Y., and Koch, I. 2022. Jerusalem’s Ivories: A Collection of Decorated Ivory Panels from Building 100, Giv’ati Parking Lot Excavations and Their Cultural Setting. ‘Atiqot 106: 57–74.

Shalev, Y., Avissar, R., Freud, L., Koch, I., Bocher, E., Shalom, N., and Gadot, Y. 2022. The Elite of Jerusalem during the Late Iron Age in light of the Finds from Building 100 from the Western Slope of the City of David. Pp. 89–106 in Gadot, Y., Zelinger, Y., Peleg-Barkat, O., and Shalev, Y. eds. New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and Its Region: Collected Papers 15. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority (Hebrew).

Kleiman, A. Fantalkin, A., Bouzaglou, L., Avisar, R., Adams, M. J., and Finkelstein, I. Forthcoming. Assyrians, Egyptians, and Greeks in Late Iron Age Megiddo. Egypt and the Levant.

Chapters in Excavation Reports:
Avisar, R. and Kirilov, Y. forthcoming. Small Finds. In Finkelstein, I. and Römer, T. eds. The Shmunis Family Excavations at Kiriath-Jearim, 2017-2019.

Avisar, R. The Ivory Inlays. forthcoming. Gadot, Y., Shalev, Y. (eds.) The Renewed excavations under Giv’ati Parking Lot Area 10: Final Report. Iron Age, Persian, Hellenistic, and Early Roman Remains. Vol. I.

Other Publications:
Avisar, R. 2024. Fragments of Luxury. The Jerusalem Ivories. Biblical Archaeology Review. 50(1): 51-53.


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