Jewish Life in Belarus

The Final Decade of the Stalin Regime, 1944–1953


Author: Leonid Smilovitsky


Jewish life in Belarus in the years after World War II was long an enigma. Officially it was held to be as being non-existent, and in the ideological atmosphere of the time research on the matter was impossible. Jewish community life had been wiped out by the Nazis, and information on its revival was suppressed by the communists. For more than half a century the truth about Jewish life during this period was sealed in inaccessible archives. The Jews of Belarus preferred to keep silent rather than expose themselves to the animosity of the authorities. Although the fate of Belarusian Jews before and during the war has now been amply studied, this book is one of the first attempts to study Jewish life in Belarus during the last decade of Stalin's rule.


Publisher Central European University Press Language English
Year of publication 2014 Pages 327



Publisher Language Year of publication Pages
 Central European University Press English 2014 327



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