Thy Father's Instruction: Reading the Nuremberg Miscellany as Jewish Cultural History

Thy Father's Instruction: Reading the Nuremberg Miscellany as Jewish Cultural History


Series: Studia Judaica 79 Rethinking Diaspora 2


Author: Naomi Fechtwanger-Sarig


The Nuremberg Miscellany is a unique work of scribal art, rich with paint and powdered gold. It was penned and illustrated in southern Germany in 1589 by Eli'ezer b. Mordechai the Martyr. The book is a compilation of religious Hebrew texts, which was probably created as a father's wedding gift to his son. The text and the naive illustrations are a treasure of Jewish lore and a veritable reflection of contemporary life of an affluent Jewish family.



Publisher Language Year of publication Pages
 Walter De Gruyter Inc English 2022 615

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