Reconsidering the Role of Nomads in Ancient Israel and Its World

כנס במכון לארכאולוגיה

17 ביוני 2021, 20:45 - 20:45 
ללא עלות
Reconsidering the Role of Nomads in Ancient Israel and Its World


We are happy to invite you to the conference: "Reconsidering the Role of Nomads in Ancient Israel and Its World".


The Agenda:

  • 15:30 - Welcome and Introductory Remarks, prof. Oded Lipschits.

Session 1: New Archaeological Research on Ancient Nomadic Society and Its Context

  • 15:40 - The Archaeology of Nomads in the Aravah- Prof. Erez Ben-Yosef.
  • 16:00 - Purple-Dyed Textiles from Timna- Dr. Naama Sukenik.
  • 16:20 - Imported Pottery from the Hejaz- Mr. William Ondricek.

Session 2: Biblical and Historical Perspectives on Nomads in the Biblical World

  • 16:50 - Keynote- Prof. Daniel Bodi.
  • 17:30 - Who Was Ishmael and Who Were the Ishmaelites?- Prof. Yairah Amit.
  • 17:50 - Nomads in the Early Islamic Empire- Prof. Gideon Avni.

Session 3: Methodological Reflections on Nomads in the Biblical World

  • 18:20 - The Agency of “Invisible Peoples” in the Ancient Southern Levant- Prof. Oystein LaBianca.
  • 18:40 - Respondent: Nomads and the Population of Ancient Israel- Prof. Avraham Faust.
  • 19:00 - Concluding Remarks- Dr. Zachary Thomas and Prof. Erez Ben-Yosef.
  • 19:15 - 20:45: Open Discussion. 


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