מור גולדנברג



תואר שלישי


נושא עבודת המחקר: 

The Visual Language in the Kingdom of Israel


מנחים: פרופ' יובל גדות ופרופ' עידו קוך


The aim of the study is to delineate the characteristics of the iconography prevalent within the Kingdom of Israel. This involves a comprehensive exploration of motifs that were commonly used within the territory of the kingdom on diverse artistic media (e.g., cult stands, glyptic finds and architectural decoration). This analysis will focus on identifying both unique and shared motifs across different regions within the kingdom, highlighting regional variations and common cultural threads. The research will also explore the extent to which the ruling authority was involved in shaping this visual language. This includes examining how the ruling entities may have influenced or dictated the artistic expressions and symbols used in various media.



פרויקט חותמות הטביעה מדרום הלבנט (אתר הפרויקט >)

חברת משלחת הפרויקט הארכאולוגי בתל חדיד (אתר המשלחת >)


פרופיל באתר אקדמיה



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