The Arabic and Islamic culture is rich and diverse. It is the culture of many great scientists, philosophers, authors and intellectuals, who enriched important fields of human knowledge.
The Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies at Tel Aviv University aims to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge in classic Arabic and modern standard Arabic, to acquaint them with the Arabic and Islamic culture and Arabic literature, and to develop their ability to analyze critically literary texts, religious and historical texts and grammatical texts from various periods and of various styles.
The department serves as a unique meeting point for Arabs and Jews and for interfaith dialogues. Every year, it hosts a great number of extra-curricular activities, free of charge, including parties, movies, and trips to religious sites across the country.
The department offers two tracks for undergraduate students: Arabic language and literature, and Islamic studies.
The department also offers a graduate program that includes a research-oriented track with a thesis requirement and a theoretical track without a thesis.
Graduates of the department have found their way to careers in a variety of fields – including research, education, media, business, translation and more.
Contact Us
Secretary: Limor Ben David
Email: arabic@tauex.tau.ac.il
Phone: 03-6409723
Fax: 03-6405109
Webb building, floor #4, room #414
Reception hours:
Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday 10:00-14:00
Monday 11:00-15:00
Mailing address:
Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies
The Lester and Sally Entin Faculty of Humanities
Tel Aviv University
Ramat Aviv, 69978