Teaching and Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language in 21st Century: Challenges and Solutions

16 בינואר 2020, 9:15 
בניין גילמן, אולם 496 
Teaching and Learning Chinese in 21st Century

Teaching and Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language in 21st Century: Challenges and Solutions

09:15 - Coffee and Registration

09:30 - Greetings

Ori Sela, Chair, Department of East Asian Studies
Asaf Goldschmidt, Director, Confucius Institute at TAU

9:45-11:15 - Session #1: Teaching Chinese Language Around the World

Chair: Ping Zhang, Tel Aviv University

  • Joel Bellassen, National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations, France
    “Rethinking Economy Principle in Pedagogy of Chinese as second language”
  • Chih-p'ing Chou, Princeton University
    “Yuen Ren Chao 赵元任 (1892-1982) and Chinese Language Instruction in the United States”
  • Lihi Yariv-Laor, Hebrew University in Jerusalem
    “Teaching and Learning Chinese in Israel: Past Perspectives and Future Prospects”

11:15-11:30 - Coffee Break

11:30-13:00 - Session #2: Teaching Chinese Language in Israel

Chair: Asaf Goldschmidt, Tel Aviv University

  • Sophia Katz, Tel Hai College
    “Keep Calm and 学中文 [Study Chinese]”: Challenges of Teaching Chinese in a Changing World”
  • Tamar Kehat, Ministry of Education Israel
    “Chinese language teaching in Israeli Schools”
  • Ping Zhang, Tel Aviv University
    “To Speak or Not to Speak: When Chinese Language Meets Jewish Tradition”

13:15-14:15 - Lunch
14:15-15:45 - Session #3: Workshop: Teaching Chinese Language in Action

Chair: Ping Zhang, Tel Aviv University

  • Sample class of 45 minutes: Zuli Huang with a group of the firstyear Chinese language students
  • Additional brief teaching sessions of the class with Joel Bellassen and Chih-p'ing Chou

15:45-16:30 - Round table discussion on teaching Modern Chinese

16:30-16:45 - Coffee Break

16:45-18:00 - Session #5: Teaching Classical Chinese

Chair: Ori Sela (Tel Aviv University)

  • Elisa Levi Sabattini, Hebrew University in Jerusalem
    “Teaching Classical Chinese in Italy”
  • Hua Jianguang, Renmin University of China
    “Reconsidering the Teaching of Classic Chinese - A Case Study of Classic Chinese Course in School of Chinese Classics in Renmin University”
  • Asaf Goldschmidt and Ping Zhang, Tel Aviv University
    “Teaching Classical Chinese in Israel: Structure vs. Text Oriented Teaching”

January 16, 2020

Tel Aviv University, Gilman Bldg. 496



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