The Journal of Israeli History- Politics, Society, Culture

The Journal of Israeli History: Politics, Society, Culture is dedicated to the scholarly examination of Israel and the Zionist movement. It presents scholarly research in a wide range of disciplines, including history, sociology, anthropology, legal studies, cultural studies, arts and art criticism, religious studies, literature, geography, and more. Its scope extends from the development of the Zionist movement globally, and the late Ottoman period in Palestine, to the establishment of the State of Israel and its subsequent history.

The premier English-language source of cutting-edge scholarship on Israel’s history, the journal is essential reading for scholars and students of international relations, Middle East Studies, and Jewish Studies. The journal features an interdisciplinary and comparative approach, reflecting Israeli historiography’s increasing engagement with the social sciences and cultural studies. The journal fosters an ongoing dialogue between scholars from Israel and other countries, the expression of differing world views and beliefs, and evaluations of new methodologies. The Journal of Israeli History is a vibrant, lively periodical hosting continuing discussions on identity and memory, state and diaspora, relationships between gender, ethnicity and nationalism, and Middle Eastern politics and society.

The journal, which is published by Taylor & Francis Group in the UK, appears bi-annually. Before 1994 the journal was entitled Studies in Zionism.

Previous issues are available at the journal’s website here:




Prof. Orit Rozin (Tel-Aviv University)

Prof. Alexander Kaye (Brandeis University)


Managing Editor

Dr. Nimrod Lin


Editorial Board

Prof. Zohar Segev (Haifa University)

Prof. Amir Goldstein (Tel Hai Academic College)

Prof. Yael Zerubavel (Rutgers University)

Prof. Ron Zweig (New York University)

Prof. Johannes Becke (Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg)

Prof. Ayelet Harel (Ben-Gurion University)

Prof. Yael Darr (Tel-Aviv University) ‏

Prof. Eugene Sheppard (Brandeis University)

Prof. Arie Krampf (The Academic C‏ollege of Tel-Aviv Yaffo)

Prof. Assaf Likhovski (Tel-Aviv University)

​Dr. Giora Goodman (Kinneret Academic College)

Dr. Ilana Szobel (Brandeis University)


Instructions for authors

  1. The Journal of Israeli History: Politics, Society and Culture considers for publication articles that deal with the study of Zionism and the State of Israel. We publish articles in a wide array of disciplines‏, including history, sociology, anthropology, legal studies, cultural studies, arts and art criticism, religious studies, literature, geography, and more.

  2. To be considered for publication, articles must be written in English, and based on original research. While all submissions should be based on thorough scholarship, and accompanied by a full scholarly apparatus, we encourage authors to write in a style that is accessible to as broad a readership as possible.

  3. Articles should be no longer than 10,000 words, including endnotes and bibliography.

  4. Submissions should be anonymized. Authors should refrain, as much as possible, from citing scholarly works that might identify them as the authors of the submission. If the article is accepted for publication, the author can then add their relevant publications to the bibliography.

  5. To be considered for publication, articles must be original. They may not have been published, or be under review for publication, in any other forum, in any language. Nor may the author have previously published, or submitted for publication substantially similar scholarship in any other forum, in any language. An article accepted for publication may be retracted if it comes to light that the article, or substantially similar scholarship, was published, or accepted for publication, before its final publication date in The Journal of Israeli History. The final decision in all these matters will be at the discretion of the editors.

  6. All submissions should include an abstract of up to 100 words and between three and six keywords. After an article has been accepted for publication, the author will be invited to add a short biography and acknowledgements.

  7. Submissions should be made at the journal’s website here:


  1. Submitted articles should follow the Chicago Manual of Style. Authors can consult the manual here:

  2. The Journal of Israeli History uses that following Hebrew-to-English transliteration: ח = h, כ = kh, צ = tz. Hebrew definite and indefinite articles and prepositions are transliterated as a separate word. for example – Ha-Po’el Ha-Tza’ir ve-Ha-Kibbutz Ha-Meuhad.

  3. Quotations that are longer than 5 lines are styled as a separate paragraph with no quotation marks. Quotations that are shorter than 5 lines should be part of the original paragraph, separated by quotation marks.

  4. The Journal of Israeli History follows American punctuation and spelling: quotation marks outside period and comma, inside semicolon and colon; -ize, -ization, labor, sober, skillful, etc. Quoted material should not be corrected.

  5. Numbers: Spell out “nineteenth century” rather than “19th century” and do not place “th” in superscript when it does appear (40th anniversary); 1930s, 1940s and ’50s. Numbers 1–10 are spelt out, the rest in numerals; 20, 400, 5,000 (also five thousand), 100 million (but 5.6 million), two-thirds, 20 percent, 13.6 percent.

  6. Hyphenization: Don’t hyphenate prefixes (prewar, postmodern, overuse, multicultural, nonpartisan, sociopolitical, reorganize, reestablish, cooperation, preempt, but co-opt –follow Webster’s). Don’t hyphenate adverb + adjective (politically correct statement, ideologically motivated leadership).

  7. Capitalization and italicization: institutions, names of people and places and historical events (Six Day War, during the war), titles of people before the name but not after (Prime Minister David Cameron, David Cameron, former prime minister); not for generic words like government/army (Israeli government/army, but Israel Defense Forces). Don’t italicize names of foreign institutions and organizations (Knesset, Va’ad Le’umi)

  8. The Journal of Israeli History might request authors to submit articles for professional style editing at the author’s expense as a condition of acceptance for publication.

  9. Authors must obtain the necessary permission for the use of third-party where relevant. The use of short extracts of text and some other types of material is usually permitted, on a limited basis, for the purposes of criticism and review without securing formal permission. If authors wish to include any material in your paper for which they do not hold copyright, and which is not covered by this informal agreement, they must obtain written permission from the copyright owner prior to submission.

  10. Book Reviews and Review Essays

    1. Book reviews should be 1,500-2,000-words in length. Review essays should be 5,000-8,000-words in length.

    2. Reviews are reviewed and published at the discretion of the Editors-in-Chief and the Managing Editor. They are not peer reviewed. Authors need not anonymize their submissions.






אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות
שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות נא לפנות בהקדם לכתובת שכאן >>