Poetics Today

About the Journal

Poetics Today brings together scholars from throughout the world who are concerned with developing systematic approaches to the study of literature (e.g., semiotics and narratology) and with applying such approaches to the interpretation of literary works. Poetics Today presents a remarkable diversity of methodologies and examines a wide range of literary and critical topics. Several thematic special issues are published in each volume, and each issue contains a book review section.




Editorial Office:
Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics
Tel Aviv University

Ramat Aviv, Israel, 69978
+972-3-640-8980 (fax)


Milette Shamir, Tel Aviv University

Irene Tucker, University of California, Irvine

Book Review Editor:
Maya Klein, Tel Aviv University

Editorial Assistant:
Orin Posner, Tel Aviv University

Founding Editor:
Benjamin Harshav

Advisory Board:
Ruth Amossy
Ann Banfield
Ziva Ben-Porat
Jonathan Culler
Monika Fludernik
Wlad Godzich
Paul Hernadi
Jochen Mecke
J. Hillis Miller
Thomas Pavel
Jerzy Pelc
Menakhem Perry
Roland Posner
Gerald Prince
Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan
Richard M. Shusterman
Barbara Herrnstein Smith
Ellen Spolsky
Peter Steiner


​For Authors

Correspondence dealing with manuscripts should be sent to the Editors, Poetics Today, Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, 69978, Israel; phone: +972-3-640-9420; fax: +972-3-640-8980, e-mail: poeticstoday@gmail.com. Authors are encouraged to request a detailed style guide from the office or to refer to issue 26:3, pp. 565–77, for submission of manuscripts in the journal's style.

Books for review should be sent to Maya Klein, Book Review Editor, Poetics Today, Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, 69978, Israel; phone: +972-3-640-9420; fax: +972-3-640-8980; e-mail: poeticstoday@gmail.com. Relevant books will be briefly noted in the "New Books at a Glance" section (generally within six months of receipt in the editorial office). Longer review articles will also appear on a regular basis.

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