at the Porter Institute

Analysis of Discourse, Argumentation and Rhetoric


Tel Aviv Research Group in the framework of the Porter Institute for Semiotics and Poetics

Coordinated by Ruth Amossy (Tel-Aviv University) and Roselyne Koren (Bar Ilan University)

The research team includes a group of researchers specialized in linguistics, in literary studies and in communication sciences, together with research students who are writing their dissertation in the perspective of French Discourse Analysis (Analyse du discours - AD) and of argumentation.

The main focus of ADARR is the integration of argumentation, especially the New rhetoric of Chaim Perelman, in Discourse Analysis (especially in its French version) and in communication studies. Argumentation is understood as a constitutive dimension of discourse: one speaks always to and for someone, in an attempt to influence his ways not only of thinking, but also of seeing and feeling. It is in this perspective that the members of the team explore the most diverse types of discourse: the media and the Internet, political and institutional discourse, literary discourse, autobiographical and epistolary writings, etc., in order to examine their specific discursive and argumentative features in their close relationship to social issues. The topics explored are varied and rich: The letters of the French soldiers during World War I, the surrealist art catalogues, literary interviews, the authorial image in the francophone African novel, public polemics, electoral discourse, the role of ethics in rhetoric, are only a few examples of the themes analyzed by the members of ADARR.

The research group

  • Holds a regular forum, mainly in French, but also in English and Hebrew, in the course of which the individual work of researchers and of doctoral students is presented and discussed. Scholars from abroad are regularly invited to the ADARR forum.
  • Organized each year an international conference or round table.  Among them
  • 2016: Collective ethos and social identities
  • 2017: The Appeal to Fear in Political discourse 9around Ruth Wodak)
  • 2018: Le discours électoral en Afrique de l’Ouest francophone (with colleagues from Ivory Coast)
  • 2019 : Analyser le discours aujourd’hui. Le dialogue des disciplines (with Sorbonne-Université)

The ADARR research group is working in collaboration with the Chaim Perelman Foundation (Brussels) and with Sorbonne-Université, and has forged links with several research teams mostly in France, Switzerland, Italy, Brazil and Ivory Coast. It also works in collaboration with colleagues from Argentina, Canada, Columbia,… and hosts researchers who come for short or long term visits from different countries.

The ADARR research group has a website : that includes a few annotated bibliographies on themes such as polemical discourse, ad hominem, interviews, genres and more.


The ADARR group edits a scientific peer-reviewed online journal on the Open Edition journals platform (in free access), Argumentation et Analyse du discours. The journal is in French; it is coordinated by an international team and chief-edited by Ruth Amossy. It is visited by some 22.000 unique readers per month and has been selected among the emerging sources of the Web of Science.


1st-semester program 2022-2023


אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות
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