Gypsy musicians and their ‘dual identity’? On negotiating the identity within cultural context

Contextualizing the Self

08 במאי 2018, 14:15 - 15:45 
גילמן 449 
Gypsy musicians and their ‘dual identity’?

הרצאה במסגרת הסדנה השנתית של בית הספר להיסטוריה:

Contextualizing the Self: Creating and Recreating the First Person

Gypsy musicians and their ‘dual identity’?

On negotiating the identity within cultural context

Chairman: Prof. Aviad Kleinberg

Lecture by: Anna Piotrowska, Jagiellonian University


Tuesday, May 8, 2018; 14:15 – 15:45.
Gilman Building, room 449.

*** The lectures will be held in English



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