קולוקוויום מחקרי - החוג לבלשנות

Prof. Roberta D’Alessandro, Utrecht University ILS

30 בינואר 2025, 16:15 

במסגרת הקולוקוויום המחקרי של החוג לבלשנות, שמתקיים מדי יום חמישי, בין השעות 16:15-17:45 בבניין ווב (חדר 103):

הרצאתה של Prof. Roberta D’Alessandro מ-Utrecht University ILS, שכותרתה:

Why is there verb movement? Some cross-linguistic considerations


This talk will address the question of why verb movement exists at all and whether it really is only a PF operation with no syntactic import. It will be argued that V-movement is a mechanism to delimit domains of syntactic computation. Evidence will be drawn from Romance heritage language data and diachronic data. It will be shown that when verb movement disappears or is reduced, some other phenomena also vanish (such as participial agreement and differential object marking in situ) while repair strategies begin  to emerge, one of which is DOM ex situ. 

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