ד"ר עבד אלקאדר כנעאני

סגל אקדמי בכיר בחוג להיסטוריה של המזרח התיכון ואפריקה
חוג להיסטוריה של המזרח התיכון ואפריקה סגל אקדמי בכיר
ניווט מהיר:
ד"ר עבד אלקאדר כנעאני
טלפון פנימי: 03-6406052
משרד: גילמן, 428

Short Bio

Dr. Abed Kanaaneh is a senior lecturer in the department of Middle Eastern and African History at Tel Aviv University. He was, previously, a postdoctoral fellow of the Minerva Stiftung in the Department of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at Ruhr-University Bochum. He was also a visiting scholar in Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African studies at Columbia University. He holds a BA in political science and communication, an MA in political science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a Ph.D. in Middle Eastern studies from Tel Aviv University. His research interests include Shiʿite political thought, radical Islamic movements, revolutionary thought in the Middle East, the Arab--Israeli conflict, and Marxism and neo-Marxism in the Middle East.



  1. Kanaaneh, Abed. Understanding Hezbollah: The Hegemony of Resistance. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2021.
  2. Kanaaneh, Abed. Hezbollah and the Hegemony of Resistance. Jerusalem: The Hebrew University Magnes Press, to appear January 2021. [in Hebrew]
  3. Kanaaneh, Abed. Haymanat al-Muqawama: Hizbullah fi Lubnan. Beirut: Dar al-Farabi, 2019. [in Arabic]

Chapters in Books’ Collections:

  1. Kanaaneh, Abed. “Die Arabische Minderheit: Historischer Hintergrund und Entwicklungen in der Zivilgesellschaftˮ in Reisen Nach Jerusalem: Nachwuchsjournalisten zu Alltag und Politik in Israel, Palästina und Deutschland. (Bad Homburg: Herbert Quandt-Stiftung), 2008, pp. 59-62.


Articles in Refereed Journals:


  1. Kanaaneh, Abed. “Ali Shariati: Islamizing Socialism and Socializing Islam.” Left History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Historical Inquiry and Debate. 24, no.1 (2021): 45-64.
  2. Kanaaneh, Abed. “Hezbollah’s Dilemma: between Resistance and Sectarianism,” Journal of Resistance Studies   6 no. 2 (2020): 145-77.
  3. Kanaaneh, Abed. From Jihad to Muqawamah: The Case of Hizballah in Lebanon,” The Journal of the Irish Society for the Academic Study of Religions 6 (2018), pp. 38-59.
  4. Kanaaneh, Abed. “Israel Between The Muqawama (Resistance) & the Jihad: A Confrontation between Two Ideologies,ˮ Qadaya Isra’iliyya 52 (2013), pp. 29-37 [In Arabic].




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