פרופ' דפנה הקר

סגל אקדמי בכיר במנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים
סגל אקדמי בכיר בתוכנית לימודי נשים ומגדר
מנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים סגל אקדמי בכיר
פרופ' דפנה הקר
טלפון פנימי: 03-6405936
משרד: טרובוביץ משפ, 439


Daphna Hacker is a Full Professor at the Law Faculty and the Women and Gender Studies Program at the Faculty of Humanities, at Tel Aviv University.

She has published numerous articles in leading legal and socio-legal journals, including Law and Social Inquiry, Harvard Journal of Human Rights, Cornell Law Review, and International Journal of Law in Context. She is also the author of three books, the latest, published by Cambridge University Press and titled "Legalized Families in the Era of Bordered Globalization", wan the LSA Herbert Jacob 2018 Award for Best Book in Law & Society. The other two, published in Hebrew, are: Family Issues through the Lens of the Law (2012), and Parenthood in the Law – behind the Scene of Custody and Visitation upon Divorce (2008).

Prof. Hacker received her LL.B. from the Hebrew University and her LL.M. from American University Washington College of Law, graduating summa cum laude, and holds a Ph.D., summa cum laude, from the Sociology and Anthropology Department at Tel Aviv University (2004). She has received numerous grants and prizes, including three research grants from the Israel Science Foundation (2009-2011; 2015-2017, 2021-2023) and a nomination to the Israeli Academy of Science Young Scholars in Humanities and Social Science Forum (2010). Prof. Hacker has been a visiting professor at Cornell, Hong Kong University, the University of Warsaw, and King’s College Londo.

Prof. Hacker served as Chief Editor of Tel Aviv University Law Review (Vol. 39-40);  She was the Head of the Steering Committee of the Knowledge Center on Women and Gender, on behalf of the Ministry of Science and Technology; served on the Governmental Committee on Aspects of Parental Responsibility upon Divorce; and was a founding member of Itach-Maaki Women Lawyers for Social Justice. For her public service on behalf of women, she has been given the Katan Award for the Advancement of Gender Justice through Voluntary Work (2013), and the Jewel Bellush Outstanding Israeli Feminist Award, by NCJW (2019). Prof. Hacker was elected, as an independent expert, to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) for the term 2023-2026. In August 2024, she was nominated as the Chairwoman of the Israeli Women's Network.


Research Interests and Teaching

Prof. Hacker's socio-legal research focus on the intersection of law, families and gender and provide empirical as well as normative insights in relation to singlehood and gender, post-divorce parental arrangements, inheritance conflicts, filial piety towards elder parents, and transnational families. She teaches Families and Globalization, Feminist Jurisprudence, Elder Law, and Qualitative Methods.





Bachelor of Law, LL.B, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Law Faculty.


Master of Laws in International Legal Studies, LL.M, (Cum Laude), American University Washington College of Law: “Single and Married Women in the Law of Israel – A Feminist Critique", supervised by Prof. Ann Shalleck.


Ph.D (Cum Laude), The Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tel-Aviv University: “’Motherhood’, ‘Fatherhood’, and Law: A Sociological Analysis of the Field that Shapes Custody and Visitation Arrangements”, supervised by Prof. Ronen Shamir and Prof. Haya Stier.


Post-Doctorate at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Hebrew University.


Academic Appointments


Tel Aviv University

Faculty of Law and the Women and Gender Studies Program 2005-2010 – Lecturer, 2010-2015 - Senior Lecturer, with tenure; 2015-present – Associate Professor; 2020 – Full Professor.

Sep-Oct 2007

Visiting Scholar, Northwestern University School of Law.

July 2012

Visiting Professor, Asia American Institute in Transnational Law, Duke Law School in cooperation with Hong Kong University, Hong Kong.

Sep. 2013

Visiting Professor, Cornell University Law School Visiting Professor

Sep. 2019

Visiting Professor, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law and Administration

Aug. 2022- Jan 2023

Visiting Researcher, King’s College London, The Dickson Pool School of Law


Awards (selected)


Solf Award, Highest Scholastic Average Master of Laws Division, American University Washington College of Law


The Social Science Faculty Dean’s Prize for Excellence in Teaching


The Katan Award for the Advancement of Gender Justice through Voluntary Work


The LSA Hebert Jacob 2018 Award for Best Book in Law & Society


The Academic Excellence Prize in Honor of Michel Halperin (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)

2019, 2021, 2022 -The “100 Club” – for high scores in teaching feedbacks


Best paper of the decade (with Prof. Hanoch Dagan), Law Studies Review, Bar Ilan University

Endowed Lectures (selected)


"Familial Citizenship in the Era of Bordered Globalization", 78th Annual Conference of the National Council of Family Relations, Minneapolis, USA.


"Gendered Families in the Era of Bordered GlobalizationA Socio-Legal Analysis", The Wethaerhead Initaitive on Gender Inequility Workshop, Harvard University.


“Legalized Families in the Era of Bordered Globalization”, Center of the Study of Law and Society, Speaker Series, Berkeley Law School.


“Child-Centered Approach to Global Poverty: Dilemmas in Remittance, Child Labor and Intercountry Adoption”, Stanford Program in Law and Society.


“The Death of Motherhood as the Female Entry Ticket to Israeli Citizenship", Plenary Session, AIS, Kinneret College.



“Globordered (I)mobility at Old Age and Its Familial Implications”, Family Law & Feminism -A Conference in Honor of Prof. Boyd, UBC.


"Legalized Families in the Era of Bordered Globalization: Transnational Surrogacy and Care at Old Age as Case Studies", Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study “Law as Culture”.


Keynote, “Deprived at Both Ends: Women under Secular and Religious Family Law”, The 5th International Conference on the Future of Women 2022, The International Institute of Knowledge Management, Sri Lanka, (via Zoom).


“Law, Families and Gender”, The Future of Science: Disciplines in Disarray, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin.


“#WeAreFamiyToo - Globordered Families Struggles against Covid-Regulation”, Cambridge Family Law Center, Cambridge University.


Keynote, “Familiality in Israel under the Attach of the Tragic Combination of Jewish Evangelism and Misogynist Illiberalism”, Families and the Legal Revolution in Israel, Ben Gurion University.


Full CV

Representative Publications

Daphna Hacker, “Elder Law and Its Justifications: A Hybrid Vision Inspired by Family Law”, 21(1) Theoretical Inquiries of Law 25-54 (2020).


Daphna Hacker, “The Challenges of the Coronavirus through the Lens of Gender”, 1 Outbreak (2020). [Hebrew[


Ruth Zafran & Daphna Hacker, “Who Will Safeguard Transnational Surrogates' Interests? Lessons from the Israeli Case Study”, 44(4) Law & Social Inquiry 1141-1173 (2019).


Daphna Hacker, Legalized Families in the Era of Bordered Globalization (Cambridge University Press, 2017).


Daphna Hacker, "Strategic Compliance in the Shadow of Transnational Anti-Trafficking Law", 28 Harvard Human Rights Journal, 11-64 (2015).


Daphna Hacker, "Disappointed "Heirs" as a Socio-Legal Phenomenon", 4(2) Oñati Socio-Legal Series 243-263 (2014).


Daphna Hacker, Intergenerational Wealth Transfer and the Need to Revive and Metamorphose the Israeli Estate Tax8(1) Law and Ethics of Human Rights 59-101 (2014).


Daphna Hacker & Ruth Halperin Kaddari, "The Ruling Rules in Custody Disputers – On the Dangers of the Parental Sameness Illusion in a Gendered Reality", 15 Mishpat and Mimshal 91-170 (2013) [Hebrew].


Daphna Hacker, "Religious Tribunals in Democratic States: Lesson from the Israeli Rabbinical Courts", 27(1) Journal of Law and Religion 59-82 (2012).


Daphna Hacker, "Law and Society Jurisprudence", 96 Cornell Law Review 727-748 (2011).


Daphna Hacker, "Soulless Wills", 35(4) Law & Social Inquiry 857-983 (2010).


Daphna Hacker, “The Gendered Dimensions of Inheritance: Empirical Food for Legal Thought”, 7(2) Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 322-354 (2010).


Daphna Hacker, “Inter-Religious Marriages in Israel: Gendered Implications for Conversion, Children and Citizenship”, 14(2) Israel Studies  178-197 (2009).


Daphna Hacker, “A Legal Field in Action: The Case of Divorce Arrangements in Israel”, 4(1) International Journal of Law in Context 1-33 (2008).


Full Publication List

Full Publication List in Hebrew