פרופ' כנרת להד

סגל אקדמי בכיר בתוכנית לימודי נשים ומגדר
תוכנית לימודי נשים ומגדר סגל אקדמי בכיר

מידע כללי

Since joining the NCJW Women and Gender Studies Program at Tel-Aviv University, I have undertaken a number of research projects. My research interests are interdisciplinary, spanning the fields of gender studies, sociology and cultural studies. More specifically., my research and teaching interests focus on gender and social theory, family, queer and feminist time studies, singlehood and popular culture, friendships and aunthood. In the course of the recent years, I wrote my first monograph, A Table for One: A Critical Reading of Singlehood, Gender and Time (Manchester University Press). The book is an an open access which can be downloaded legally and without any cost at this link: http://www.oapen.org/search?identifier=635870;keyword=lahad

In the book, I juxtapose two theoretical fields that are rarely linked: the social study of time and the study of female singlehood. By adopting an interdisciplinary approach, this book opens up possibilities for a new theorization of female singlehood and social time, lines of inquiry which are relatively under-theorized and under-incorporated into social and feminist research and critical studies in general.

So far, my interest in female singlehood and social and feminist theory has led to the publication of various articles in journals such as Cultural Studies, European Journal of Women's Studies, Israeli Sociology, Nora: Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, Sociology, Sociological Forum, Time and Society, Sociological Research Online, Theory and Criticism, and Women's Studies International Forum . In my articles, I offer new terms of engagement with questions concerning the constitution of social life, hierarchies of power, bodies of knowledge and the production of subjectivities.

During my years at Tel Aviv University, I have developed a number of undergraduate and graduate courses for the NCJW Women and Gender Studies Program. These include an introductory course on culture from a feminist perspective; a course on feminist readings of time; a course on contemporary masculinities, a graduate course on methodology and thesis writing; and research seminars on family and singlehood.

My current projects include independent and collaborative studies on women’s friendship practices, Aunthood and Kin relations, Friendships, Freezing Eggs in Israel and Denmark; Blended Families, Loneliness and Aloneness, Old Mothers" in Denmark, Solo Dinning as well as a new project on aloneness and friendships in Japan.

For the last years I have taught in various academic institutions in Israel and Italy and was a visiting professor and an honorary research fellow at the Venice International University and Manchester University. I was also a visiting scholar at Columbia University and a visiting lecturer at Ca’Foscari University in Venice. I have peer reviewed for journals as​: Asian Women, Continuum, Culture, Health and Sexuality, Ethnos, European Journal of Cultural Studies, Gender, Place and Culture; Sociological Spectrum,, Women’s Studies International Forum, Sociological Forum, Sociological Review. I have been an external examiner for a number of universities (Ca'Foscari University, Haifa University, Hebrew University, Shenkar Collage and Tel-Aviv University) You are welcome to email me (lahadk@post.tau.ac.il) for any further info.



Books and Monographs:

1. K. Lahad A Table for One: Re-Scheduling Singlehood and Time. Manchester University Press. 2017.

Refereed Articles in Journals

1. K, Lahad, To Clarify, to Help and to Solve: on Self Help Books for Singles, Theory and Criticism. 2007. (pp. 238-249) In Hebrew.

2. K, Lahad, Waiting, Singlehood and the Sociology of Time, Sociological Forum, Vol. 27(1) 2012. (pp. 163-186). 

3. K, Lahad and A, Shoshana, Singlehood In Treatment Scripted Reflexivity, Personal Reflexivity and the Viewer's Gaze, Israeli Sociology. Vol.27 (1) 2012. (pp 111-134) (Hebrew). In Hebrew.

4. K, Lahad, Am I asking too much? The Selective Single Woman as a New Social Problem. Women’s Studies International Forum. Vol. 40. October-September 2013. (pp 23-32).

5. K, Lahad, The Single Women’s Choice as a Zero-Sum Game. Cultural Studies. Vol. 28 (2) 2014. (pp. 240-266).

6. K, Lahad, and H. Hazan, The Terror of the Single Old Maid: On the Insolubility of a Cultural Category. Women's Studies International Forum vol.47 November-December 2014. (pp.127-136)

7. K, Lahad, and A, Shoshana, Singlehood in Treatment: Interrogating the Discursive Alliance between Post Feminism and Therapeutic Culture. European Journal of Women's Studies vol.22,3. 2015. (pp 334-349).

8. K. Lahad, Stop Waiting!”: Hegemonic and Alternative Scripts of Single Women’s Subjectivity. Time and Society, 2016 Published online

9. K. Lahad and Hvidtfeldt Madsen, K” Like Having New Batteries Installed!”: Problematizing the Category of the “Forty-Plus Mothers” Nora-Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research.

10 . K, Lahad, G, Sabar and N, Sabar, Doing and Displaying the Blended Family, Sociology. Published first online.

11. N, Yodovich and K, Lahad I Don't Think this Woman had anyone in her Life”: Loneliness and Singlehood in Six Feet Under. Forthcoming in European Journal of Women’s Studies. Published online.

12. K, Lahad and May. V “Just one?’ Solo Dining, Gender and Temporal Belonging in Public Spaces”. Sociological Research Online

Accepted for Publication

1. V, May and K, Lahad, “The Stranger We Know So Well - A Simmelian Reading of Aunthood”. Forthcoming in Sociology.

Revise and Resubmit

1. K, Lahad K, Hvidtfeldt Madsen The Intersectional Construction of an Ageing Identity: Middle Ageism in Denmark and Israel. for to an edited book Intersections of Ageing, Gender, Sexualities to be published by Routledge. Refereed

Articles in Books

1. H. Herzog, K. Lahad, (eds), Introduction, Knowledge and Silence: On Mechanisms of Denial and Repression in Israeli Society, 2006. The Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem and Hakkibutz Hameuchad Publishing House. (Hebrew) (pp 7-22).

Edited books

1. H. Herzog, K. Lahad (eds), Knowledge and Silence: On Mechanisms of Denial and Repression in Israeli Society, 2006. The Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem and Hakkibutz Hameuchad Publishing House. (Hebrew)

Edited Book: In Preparation under Contract

1. Y, Taylor and K, Lahad, Feeling Academic n the Neoliberal University: Feminist Flights, Fights and Failures. A contract was signed with Palgrave Macmillan. To be published in 2018.

Work In Progress-Articles

1. K. Lahad A Time-Bound Autonomy: Single Women and the Heteronormative Market Place for an edited book: Sexing the city to be published by Heidelberg University Press.

2. K, Lahad and May. V Moral accounts of Aunthood

3. K. Lahad “When Friends aren’t forever”: A Sociological Account of Friendship Temporalities.

4. K, Lahad and Hvidtfeldt Madsen, K. The discursive construction of egg freezing in Denmark and Israel

5. K, Lahad and Van Hoof. J. Discourses of Toxic Friendships

6. K, Lahad and Kravel-Tovi, M. Self-Marriage rituals

7. K, Lahad and Gidoeni-Goldstein Friendships and Singlehood in Japan