Prof. Michèle Bokobza KAHAN is Full Professor in French Culture and Literature at Tel-Aviv University, Department of Literature. She is the incumbent of The Henri Glasberg Chair in Culture of Modern France.
From October 2015 to September 2019, she was the Chair of the School of Cultural Studies.
Her fields of teaching and research are: 1)18th Century France, literature and culture (libertine novel, theater, gender studies, philosophers of the Enlightenment, religious and political conflicts; 2) Fiction and reality: theoretical approaches; 3) Marginality in text and context; 4) Testimonial discourses from the 18th century to the 21th century; 5) The Enlightenment Era, the Libertine Novel, Transgressive and Marginal Literary Discourses, Religious Testimonies, and Theoretical Approaches of Fiction and Testimonial Writings; 6) Emigration and Hospitality in Novels written by Female Authors.
She has lectured at various universities, including the universities of Bologna (Italy), Salamanca (Spain), Lyon III (France), Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris VII – Denis Diderot (France), Oxford (England), Norway and Germany. She is a member of the editorial board of Editions Peeters, coll. La République des Lettres and the correspondent in Israel of the scientific literary review Studi Francesi.
She is the author of : Libertinage et Folie dans le roman du 18e siècle (Peeters, 2000), Dulaurens et son œuvre : Un auteur marginal au XVIIIe siècle : Deviances discursives et Bigarrures philosophiques (Champion, 2010), Témoigner des miracles au siècle des Lumières : Récits et discours de Saint-Médard (Garnier Classique, 2015). She has edited and presented Mémoires d'une honnête femme de Chevrier (collection Lire le Dix-huitième siècle, Publications de l'Université de Saint-Etienne, 2005). She has directed a special issue on "Ethos et Image d’auteur", in Argumentation et Analyse du Discours (2009). She has participated to the digital edition of Montesquieu's Pensées (2013). She has published various articles on Diderot, Voltaire, Montesquieu, Women and Journalism in the 18th C, Literature and Marginality. Her latest articles focus on religious testimonial discourses in the 17th and 18th Century, including topics on witness' ethos and receptor's pathos. She is currently working on a literary project on Emigration and Hospitality in French Novels from the French Revolution.