ד"ר נעם כוכבי

עמית הוראה בלימודי דיפלומטיה
עמית הוראה בחוג לספרות אנגלית ולימודים אמריקניים
לימודי דיפלומטיה עמית הוראה
ד"ר נעם כוכבי
משרד: נפתלי, 526

General Information


Dr. Noam Kochavi is adjunct at Tel Aviv University, Hebrew University and Reichman University, where he teaches courses on modern diplomacy, international negotiation and US foreign policy. He earned some practical experience at the Israeli Civil Service and holds a Ph.D. in history from the University of Toronto and an MA in International Relations from the Hebrew University. His books and articles analyze the interactive dynamics between the U.S. and China and the U.S. and Israel, reflecting his interest in decision making and the ideational foundations of foreign policy.  




China - US and Israel - US relations, as well as the ideational roots of foreign policymaking.





1999:                           Ph.D. awarded, University of Toronto (History. Major: US Diplomatic History)

1991:                           MA, Hebrew University, International Relations Dept.

1986:                           BA, Hebrew University, International Relations Dept.





2014-2024:      Teaching Associate, Hebrew University, International Relations Department; Reichman University Herzliya, Government school; Tel Aviv University, MA (Diplomacy, Executive Diplomacy and Security) Programs.


2011-13:         Teaching Associate, Hebrew University, International Relations Department; IDC Herzliya, Government school; Tel Aviv University, MA (Diplomacy) and Executive MA (Diplomacy and Security) Programs; Ben Gurion University, Politics and Government department.


2001 - 2010 Lecturer, International Relations Department, Hebrew University. 2001: External Teacher, Hebrew University.


2000‏:               External Teacher, Tel Aviv University College.


1998-1999:     External Teacher, Hebrew University.


1993-1994:     Teaching assistant, University of Toronto.


1989-1992: Research officer in the International Relations field, Israeli Civil Service. 1986-1989: Teaching assistant, Hebrew University.







A Conflict Perpetuated: China Policy during the Kennedy Years (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2002. International History series edited by Erik Goldstein, William R. Keylor, and Cathal J. Nolan, Boston University).


Nixon and Israel: Forging a conservative partnership (Albany, N.Y.: SUNY press, 2009).



Special Journal Issue Edited


Noam Kochavi. (Special Journal Issue Guest Editor and introduction author), "Détente and its Legacy," Cold War History (November 2008).



Refereed Articles


1) “Mist Across the Bamboo Curtain: China’s Internal Crisis and the American Intelligence Process, 1961-1962,” Journal of American-East Asian Relations Vol. 5, No.2 (Summer 1996), 135-155.


2) “Kennedy, China, and the Tragedy of No Chance,” Journal of American-East Asian Relations Vol. 7, No. 1-2 (Spring-Summer 1998), 107-116.


3) “From Puzzled Prudence to Bold Experimentation: Washington’s View of the Sino-Soviet Split, 1961-1963,” Intelligence and National Security Vol. 15, No. 1 (Spring 2000), 50-79.


4) “Limited Accommodation, Perpetuated Conflict: Kennedy, China, and the Laos Crisis” Diplomatic History 26:1 (Winter 2002): 95-135.


5) “Insights Abandoned, Flexibility Lost: Kissinger, Soviet Jewish Emigration, and the Demise of Détente,” Diplomatic History 29:3 (June 2005): 503-530.


6) "Idealpolitik in Disguise: Israel, Jewish Emigration from the Soviet Union, and the Nixon Administration, 1969-1974” International History Review 29:3 (September 2007): 550-572.



7) “Joining the Conservative Brotherhood: Israel, President Nixon, and the Political Consolidation of the Special Relationship, 1969-1973,” Cold War History 8:4 (November 2008): 449-480.


8) "Researching Détente: New Opportunities, Contested Legacy," Cold War History 8:4 (November 2008): 419-426.


9) "Back to Centerstage: the multifaceted renaissance of American Diplomatic History," in Gadi Heimann, ed., New Perspectives on International Relations History (Jerusalem 2012), 58-66 (Hebrew).


10) "The Benefits of Adaptive Diplomacy: Israel, the Consolidation of the Special Relationship, and the Conservative Turn in the American-Israeli Partnership, 1967-1973," Cathedra 163 (April 2017): 191-222 (Hebrew).


11) "The Waning Influence of Foreign Ministries," Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs (August 2018)


Book chapters


12) "Opportunities Lost? Kennedy, China and Vietnam," in Priscilla Roberts, ed., Behind the Bamboo Curtain: China, Vietnam, and the World Beyond Asia (Washington, D.C: Stanford University Press and Woodrow Wilson press, 2006), 127-151.


13) "The Sino-Soviet Split," A companion to the Kennedy Presidency (Malden, Mass.; Wiley-Blackwell, 2014), 366-383.


14) "Nixon, Richard M.," Encyclopedia of Diplomacy (2018)



Book Reviews



  1. John Kenneth Galbraith, Letters to Kennedy (Cambridge: Harvard U. Press, 1998), University of Toronto Quarterly Vol.69:1 (Winter 1999/2000), 319-321.


  1. Fredrik Logevall, Choosing War, Canadian Journal of History, December 2000.


  1. Henry L. Finegold, Silent No More: Saving the Jews of Russia (Syracuse: Syracuse U. Press, 2007), International History Review 2008:1, 2005-6.


  1. Michael Lumbers, Piercing the Bamboo Curtain: Tentative Bridge Building to China during the Johnson Years (Manchester: Manchester U. Press, 2008), Journal of Contemporary History (2009). 


  1. "יומנו של משה ביתן: כיצד התמסדו היחסים המיוחדים בין ארה"ב לישראל?" קתדרה 163   (ניסן תשע"ז), 227 – 232.


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