פרופ' יונתן פרייס

סגל אקדמי בכיר בחוג ללימודים קלאסיים
סגל אקדמי בכיר בחוג להסטוריה כללית
חוג ללימודים קלאסיים סגל אקדמי בכיר
פרופ' יונתן פרייס
טלפון פנימי: 03-6409454
טלפון נוסף: 03-6409779
משרד: גילמן, א376

Jonathan J. Price, The Fred and Helen Lessing Chair of Ancient History


The Fred and Helen Lessing Chair of Ancient History

Tel Aviv University


Departments of Classics and History

Tel Aviv University

Ramat Aviv 6997801 Israel

Phone: +972 3 640 9454/ 9779

Fax: +972 3 640 9457

E-mail: price@tauex.tau.ac.il

Curriculum Vitae



Haverford College

B.A. in Classics, 1978; Phi Beta Kappa, High Honors

Princeton University

M.A. in Classics, 1982; Ph.D. in Classics, 1988

Hebrew University

Lady David Doctoral Fellow, 1983-1985




Princeton University

Lecturer, Classics


Middlebury College

Asst. Professor, Classics; ; chair, 1988-89


Hebrew University

Visiting Lecturer, Jewish History


Tel Aviv University

Visiting Lecturer, Classics and History


Ben Gurion University

Visiting Lecturer, Ancient History


Tel Aviv University

Senior Lecturer, Classics and History; tenure 06/99 


Tel Aviv University

Associate Professor, Classics and History


Tel Aviv University

Full Professor, Classics and History

2017 -

Tel Aviv University

The Fred and Helen Lessing Chair of Ancient History




Tel Aviv University

Undergraduate Advisor, History Department


Tel Aviv University

Liaison for Foreign Guests, Humanities Faculty


Tel Aviv University

Director of International Academic Relations


Tel Aviv University

Ph.D. Committee, School of History


Tel Aviv University

 Steering Committee, “Melamdim” Program, TAU and Hartman Institute


Tel Aviv University

Development Committee, History Department


Fulbright Foundation

Selection Committee for Fulbright Doctoral Fellowships


Tel Aviv University

Chair, Classics Department


Tel Aviv University         

Chair, Oversight Committee for M.A. Program in Ancient Israel


Tel Aviv University

Scholarships Committee, School of History


Tel Aviv University

Thomas Arthur Arnold Scholarships Committee


Dan David Foundation

Selection Committee for Dan David Prize


Tel Aviv University

Oversight Committee, Collaboration with Oxford U.


Tel Aviv University

 Appointments Committee, School of Cultural Studies


Tel Aviv University

Oversight Committee, Liberal Arts Program in English


Dan David Foundation

Selection Committee for Dan David Prize


Tel Aviv University

School of History Committee on Ph.D. Students


Tel Aviv University

Chair, History Department

2016 - 23

Tel Aviv University

Appointments Committee, History


Israel Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies





2023 -

Chair and/or member of many promotion and search committees for all ranks within Tel Aviv University and in other universities in Israel and abroad


Tel Aviv Uuniversity           University Appointments Committee



Zalman Shazar Center        History Prize Committee







Lady Davis Graduate Fellowship, The Hebrew University (1983-85)

Whiting Fellowship, Princeton University (1985-86)

Ada Howe Kent Research Fellowship, Middlebury College (1988)

American Philosophical Society Research Fellowship (1988)

Lucius N. Littauer Foundation Research Grant, Principal Investigator (1990)

Fulbright Research Grant (1990-91)

Guastalla Fellowship (1992-95)

Ish-Shalom Prize in Jewish History, Yad Ben-Zvi, Jerusalem (1994)

Research Grant, Principal Investigator, Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture (1996, 1991)

Three-year Research Grant, Principal Investigator, Israel Science Foundation  (1994-97)

Junior Fellow, The Center for Hellenic Studies (1997-98)

Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies, Jerusalem (2002-03)

Two-year Research Grant, Principal Investigator, Israel Science Foundation (2009-11)

Corresponding Member in the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (elected 2011)

Four-year Research Grant, Principal Investigator, Israel Science Foundation (2012-2016)

Four-year grant from Humanities Fund, Yad Hanadiv, for M.A. Program in Classics (I was author, program involves three other universities) (2013-2017)

Fellow, Princeton Institute for Advanced Study (Autumn 2014)

Dan David Foundation, Three-Year Research Grant to finish the Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae Palaestinae, 2022-2025.

Leon Levy Foundation, Three-Year Research Grant to finish the Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae Palaestinae, 2022-2025.




Oxford-Tel Aviv joint graduate workhop in Ancient History (2016-2020); Literacy in Antiquity; Polybius and Hellenistic Historiography; The Provincial Historians of the Roman Empire; The Art of the Persuasion in Ancient Greece and Rome; Literary Patterns in Ancient Historiography; Ancient and Modern Theories of History; Tacitus and the Tyrant; The Roman Near East; The Problem of Julius Caesar; Greek Epigraphy in Greece and Rome; History and Historians from Herodotus to the Middle Ages; Internal War in the Greek and Roman Worlds; Livy and “exemplary History”; Augustus, the First Emperor; Ovid and the Concept of Metamorphosis; Life on the Periphery in the Roman Empire; Horace and Augustus; Masterpieces of Latin Prose.


Papers AND CONFERENCES (since 2001, selective)

2001     York University, Toronto, Canada: Flavian Josephus in Flavian Rome, International Conference: “Josephus’ mimesis of Thucydides: A Test Case”

2002     Barcelona, Spain: International Association of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, 12th International Conference: “Greeks, Romans, Jews and Others in the Iudaea/Syria Palaestina: ‘A Civilization of Epigraphy’: Jerusalem and Caesarea”

2002     Philadelphia, PA: American Philological Association, Annual Conference: “The Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae

2003     Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, Annual Conference: “The Problem of Stasis in Josephus”

2003     Rome: Josephus Between Jerusalem and Rome, International Colloquium: “Josephus the Provincial Historian”

2003     Israel Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies, International Conference: “Mommsen and the Jews” (Hebrew)

2003     Jerusalem: Judaisms in Antiquity, International Conference: “What is Jewish about Jewish Epigraphy?”

2003     Jerusalem: Co-Organizer of International Conference at The Institute for Advanced Studies, “A Civilization of Epigraphy”. My paper (with Shlomo Naeh): “Transcription as a Cultural Phenomenon in Antiquity”

2005     Boston: American Philological Association, Annual Conference: “Jews and Greeks in Jaffa: New Light on the Inscriptions in the Ustinov Collection, Oslo”

2005     Philadelphia, PA: Society of Biblical Literature, Annual Conference: “Unpublished Inscriptions from Beth She‘arim: Palaeography and History”

2005     Israel Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies, International Conference: “The Ustinov Collection in Oslo”

2006     Greifswald, Germany: Josephus and the New Testament – The New Testament and Josephus. Mutual Perceptions, International Conference: “Josephus’ Place in the Dialogue on the Destruction of the Temple”

2007     Cambridge, England: International Josephus Seminar: “The Failure of Rhetoric in Josephus’ Bellum Iudaicum

2007     Oxford, England: International Association of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, 13th International Conference: “Semitic Languages in the Epigraphy of the Graeco-Roman Near East: The Case of Judaea/Syria Palaestina”

2008     Regensburg, Germany: Thucydides – A ‘Violent Teacher’?: History and its Representations, International Conference: “Thucydides and Flavius Josephus: Stasis and Mimesis”

2008     Jerusalem: Jewish Views of the After-Life and Burial Practices in Second Temple Judaism: Evaluating the Talpiot Tomb in Context, International Conference sponsored by Princeton Theological Seminary and Mishkenot Sha’ananim: “The Mariam Ossuary in Greek”

2008     Chicago:  American Philological Association, Annual Conference: “How to Read an Ossuary Inscription”

2008     University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: Globalizing the History of Historical Writing: The Plenary Conference of the Oxford History of Historical Writing: “Josephus”

2009     Tel Aviv: Judaea/Palaestina, Babylon and Rome: Jews in the Roman, Parthian and Sassanian Empires: International Conference in Honour of Aharon Oppenheimer: “The necropolis at Jaffa and its relation to Beth She‘arim”

2010     Athens: Thucydides’ Techniques: Between Historical Research and Literary Representation, International Conference: “Difficult Statements in Thucydides”

2010     Groningen: Second Groningen Qumran Institute Symposium: “The Jewish Population of Jerusalem from the First Century B.C.E. to the Early Second Century C.E.: The Epigraphic Record”

2011     San Francisco: American Schools of Oriental Research: “The Place of Synagogue Inscriptions in the Epigraphic Culture of the Roman Near East”

2012     Aix-en-Provence, University of Aix-Marseille: Judaism and the Political and Religious Challenge of the Roman Empire: “The Perception of Rome in Greek Authors, mostly during the Imperial Period”

2012     Chicago: Society of Biblical Literature: “Jewish Synagogue Inscriptions and History” (organizer of panel)

2012     Philadelphia: American Philological Association: “The Multi-lingual Synagogue Inscriptions in Syria and Iudaea/Palaestina”

2012     Berlin: Association Internationale d'Épigraphie Grecque et Latine: “The Media and Audiences of the Aramaic and Hebrew Inscriptions in Roman Syria and Palestine”

2013     Margharita di Savoia, Italy: Ancient Literary and Visual Representations of the Roman Civil Wars of the 40s and 30s BCE: “Civil War and Empire in Appian of Alexandria”

2013     Ghent: The International Network for Theory of History: The Future of the Theory and Philosophy of History: “The Origins of the Philosophy of History”

2013     Jerusalem, Van Leer Institute: Coping with Change: Adapting Religions and Adopting Transformations in the Late Antique Eastern Mediterranean: “The Different Faces of Euergetism in Syria and Iudaea/Palaestina in Late Antiquity: The Evidence of Synagogue Inscriptions”

2013     Tel Aviv (conference organizer): The Future of Rome: Roman, Greek, Christian and Jewish Perspectives: “Three Greek Views on the Past and Future of the Roman Empire”

2014     Aix-en-Provence, University of Aix-Marseille: Citizenship(s) and Political-Religious Self-Definitions in the Roman Empire: “Greek Intellectual Communities in the Roman Empire”

2014     Yale University: Multilingualism and the Transfer of Cultures in Antiquity: “Language, Audience and Locality: The Problem of Synagogue Inscriptions”

2015     Hebrew University: Journeys in the Roman East: Imagined and Real: “Lucian’s Verae Historiae

2015     Manchester, UK: Experiences of Sanctuaries/ Experiences of Empire (respondent)  

2015     Tel Aviv University: Tel Aviv, Cambridge & Frankfurt 2nd International Conference in Interreligious Studies (respondent)

2016     Tel Aviv University: The Eighth Conference in Byzantine Studies: “The International Community in Beth She‘arim, Its Extent and Significance”

2016     Zichron Ya‘akov , Israel (conference co-organizer): Languages and Empire: “The Names of God in Jewish Inscriptions”

2017     Tel Aviv University (conference co-organizer): Language and Text: International Conference in Honor of Margalit Finkelberg

2017     Rome, l’École Française de Rome: Regarding Roman Power: Imperial rule in the eyes of Greeks and Romans, Jews and Christians, and Others: “Structural weaknesses in Rome’s power – Historians’ views on Roman stasis

2018     Aix-en-Provence, University of Aix-Marseille: The Perception and Reception of Roman Law and Tribunals by Jews and Other Inhabitants of the Empire (respondent)

2018     Jerusalem, Yad Yitzhak Ben Zvi: On Writing and Writings: “Greek and Aramaic in the Synagogue Inscriptions from Eretz-Israel” (Hebrew)

2018     Tel Aviv University, conference organizer: Networks and Changing Identities in the Ancient Greek World: In Honor of Professor Irad Malkin

2019     Tel Aviv University, conference organizer: The Varieties of Academic Experience: A Conference in Honor of Professor David S. Katz

2019     Cologne: Center and Periphery: Working with Inscriptions of Iudaea/Palaestina: “Insights into Jewish Epigraphical Idioms from the CIIP”

2019     Dead Sea Research Institute: “Literary cultures around the Dead Sea in Antiquity”

2020     Jaffa: Jaffa by the Sea: New Historical and Archaeological Discoveries (respondent)

2023     Rome: Rhetoric and Historiography: New Perspectives: “Truth as a Rhetorical Problem in Ancient Historiography”



INVITED PUBLIC LECTURES (since 2001, various on Classics, Ancient History, Epigraphy)

2001:  Washington University, Princeton University, Tel Aviv University.

2002:  Johns Hopkins University, Tel Aviv University.  

2003:  Princeton University, Tel Aviv University

2004:  Washington University, Yad Ben Zvi (Jerusalem).

2005:  Institute for Advanced Study (Jerusalem); Yeshiva University

2006:  Haverford College, Jewish Theological Seminary, Swarthmore College, University of Pennsylvania

2007:  Hebrew University

2008:  Colgate University, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jewish Theological Seminary, New York University, Swarthmore College, Tel Aviv University, University of Toronto, Yad Ben Zvi (Jerusalem), Yeshiva University

2009:  Hebrew University, New York University, Tel Aviv University, Yad Ben Zvi (Jerusalem) Yeshiva University

2010:  Tel Aviv University, Yad Ben Zvi (Jerusalem).

2011:  Tel Aviv University, The Rector’s Lectures (13 lectures): “From Jerusalem to Rome: Thirty Years that Changed the World”

2011:   Florida State University

2014:   Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. Princeton University. Colgate University. Middlebury College.

2015:    Tel Aviv University. The National Library of Israel.

2016:   Israel Antiquities Authority.

2017:    Washington University. University of Bern.

2017:    Academic organizer of research/study day at Yodfat (Israel) for History students and faculty from universities and colleges in Israel. Lecture: “Yodfat Then and Now”

2019:   University of London. Oxford University.

2020:   The National Library of Israel. Tel Aviv University.



Dr. Peter Martin, Dan David postdoctoral student, “Greek and Roman Historiography”, 2022-2023.


Ayelet Peer, Ph.D., Tel Aviv University, 2005-2010: “Rewriting History: A Thematic Analysis of Julius Caesar’s Bellum Civile”.

Eva Tyrell, Ph.D., Bern University and Tel Aviv University (co-tutelle), 2013-17: “Historiographic Narratives in Bibilcal and Early Greek Tradition”

Matan Orian, Ph.D., Tel Aviv University, 2013-16: “Gentiles in the Jerusalem Temple”

Moshe Manor, Ph.D., Tel Aviv University, 2013-2020: “Meta-Rhetoric in Greek Oratory”

Steven Ben Yishai, Ph.D., Hebrew University, 2014-2019: “Josephus' Tyrants and the Aristocratic Ethos in Rome”

Barnea Levi Selavan, “Yavne and Yavneh-Yam’s City and Hinterland During the Persian, Hellenistic, Hasmonean, Early and Late Roman Periods (5th C BCE – 4th C CE) – Texts and Archaeology”, Tel Aviv University, 2023-, Co-direction with Yuval Shachar.


Ory Amitay, M.A., Tel Aviv University, 1997-98: “The Life and Works of Brasidas”

Amir Meital, M.A., Tel Aviv University, 2003: “Natural Disasters in Thucydides”

Veronese, Anna, M.A., Hebrew University, 2008-2010: “The Inscriptions of the Jaffa Necropolis”

Uriah Sack, M.A., Tel Aviv University, 2010-: “Virtus in Sallust”

Noam Ritbo, M.A, History, Tel Aviv University, 2019-, “Catch 31: L. Aelius Seianus in his Time and Ours”

Ronnie Hirsch, M.A. Classics, Tel Aviv University, 2019-, “Historiography and Rhetoric in Cicero’s Philosophical Writings”


External Referee (selective)

Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. Cambridge University Press. Oxford University Press. Israel Science Foundation. Journal of Hellenic Studies. Journal of Jewish Studies. Transactions of the American Philological Society. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Tarbiz. Zion. Scripta Classica Israelica.

תחומי מחקר

תולדות רומא, מלחמת פנים בעת העתיקה, היסטוריוגרפיה יוונית ורומית, אפיגרפיה יהודית, תולדות ישראל בתקופה הרומית 

Roman History; Internal War in Antiquity, Greek and R​oman Historiography; Jewish Epigraphy; Jewish History during the Roman Period​





1. Jerusalem Under Siege: The Collapse of the Jewish State, 66-70 C.E. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1992.

2. Thucydides and Internal Conflict. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

3. Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae: A Multi-lingual corpus of the Inscriptions from Alexander to Muhammad (CIIP), multiple editors for each volume.

For entire Corpus, I am author/editor of Jewish inscriptions in Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic (about 2000 texts).

Volume I: Jerusalem, Part 1: nos. 1-704; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2010.

Volume I: Jerusalem, Part 2: nos. 705-1120; Berlin: De Grutyer, 2011.

Volume II: Caesarea and the Middle Coast: nos. 1121-2160; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2011. 

Volume III: Jaffa and the Southern Coast, nos. 2161-2648; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2014.

Volume IV: Judaea and the Coastal Plain, Parts 1-2: nos. 2649-3978, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018.

Volume V: Galilee, Parts 1-2: nos. 5876-7818, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023.


Edited volumes

  1. Hannah Cotton, Robert Hoyland, J.J. Price and David Wasserstein, eds., From Hellenism to Islam: Cultural and Linguistic Change in the Roman Near East, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  2. J.J. Price and K. Berthelot, eds., In the Crucible of Empire: The Impact of Roman Citizenship upon Greeks, Jews and Christians, Leuven: Peeters, 2019 [Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Culture and Religion 21].
  3. J.J. Price and R. Zelnick-Abramovitz, eds., Text and Intertext in Greek Epic and Drama: Essays in Honor of Margalit Finkelberg, London and New York: Routledge, 2020.
  4. J.J. Price and K. Berthelot, eds., The Future of Rome: Roman, Greek, Jewish and Christian Visions, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020.
  5. J.J. Price, Y. Shachar and M. Finkelberg, eds., Rome: An Empire of Many Nations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021.



  1. Scripta Classica Israelica, Co-Editor, 1991-2004.
  2. Zmanim, special edition devoted to Classical Studies, co-edited with Benjamin Isaac (in Hebrew), 2012.
  3. Oxford Classical Dictionary, Area Editor for Jewish Studies, 2014-2023.
  4. Journal of The Jesus Movement in Its Jewish Setting from the First to the Seventh Century, Editorial Board, 2015-2020.
  5. Zion, Co-Editor, 2020- (Hebrew).



Articles and Book Chapters

  1. “Who Conquered Masada in 66 CE and Who Occupied It When It Fell?”, Zion 55, 1990, 449-54 (with H.M. Cotton) (in Hebrew).
  2. “The Enigma of Philip b. Jakimos”, Historia 40, 1991, 75-94.
  3. “Seven Onomastic Problems in Josephus’ Bellum Judaicum”, Jewish Quarterly Review 84, 1993-94, 189-208 (with T. Ilan).
  4. “The Jewish Diaspora of the Graeco-Roman Period”, Scripta Classica Israelica 13, 1994, 169-86.
  5. “The Attempts on Cicero’s Life: A Note on Appian  BC 2.11”, in Classical Studies in Honor of David Sohlberg, ed. R. Katzoff, Jerusalem 1996, 245-50.
  6. “A Puzzle in Thucydides 1.18”, Mnemosyne 50, 1997, 665-76.
  7. “The Failure of Cicero’s First Catilinarian”, in Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History IX, Collection Latomus, ed. C. Deroux, Paris 1998, 106-28.
  8.  “A Bilingual Tombstone from Zo‘ar (Arabia)”, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 134, 2001, 277-83 (with H.M. Cotton).
  9. “A Bilingual Funerary Monument from Zoar in the Hecht Museum Collection — The Greek Inscription”, Michmanim 15, 2001, 10-12 (with H.M. Cotton) (in Hebrew).
  10. “La ‘grande rivolta’”, in Gli ebrei nell’impero romano, ed. A. Lewin, Florence 2001, 113-24.
  11. “Drama and History in Josephus”, Scripta Classica Israelica 21, 2002, 97-111 (with L. Ullmann).
  12. “Herod the Great in the Work of Menahem Stern”, in Memorial for Menahem Stern, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem 2002, 21-35 (in Hebrew).
  13. “On Jewish Metronymics in the Graeco-Roman Period”, Zutot 2002, 10-17.
  14.  “The Jews and the Latin Language in the Roman Empire”, in Jews and Gentiles in the Holy Land in the Days of the Second Temple, the Mishnah and the Talmud, edd. A. Oppenheimer, M. Mor, J. Pastor and D.R. Schwartz, Jerusalem 2003, 165-80.
  15. “Five Inscriptions from Jaffa”, Scripta Classica Israelica 22, 2003, 215-31.
  16. “Two Ossuary Inscriptions with Metronyms from a Private Collection in Jerusalem”, Electrum 7, 2003, 39-45.
  17. Caveat Lector: Notes on Thackeray’s Translation of the Bellum Judaicum”, Scripta Classica Israelica 23, 2004, 273-8 (with L. Ullmann).
  18. “Στάσις in Ancient Greek”, in Neti‘ot le-David: Jubilee Volume For David Weiss Halivni, edd. Y. Elman, E.B. Halivni and Z.A. Steinfeld, Jerusalem 2004, 127-30 (appendix to article by Shlomo Naeh) (in Hebrew).
  19. “A New Aramaic Dedicatory Inscription from Israel”, Scripta Classica Israelica 24, 2005, 125-33 (with A. Yardeni).
  20.  “The Provincial Historian in Rome”, in Josephus and Jewish History in Flavian Rome and Beyond, edd. J. Sievers and G. Lembi, Leiden-Boston 2005, 101-18.
  21. “Josephus’ First Sentence and the Preface to BJ”, in For Uriel: Studies in the history of Israel in Antiquity presented to Professor Uriel Rappaport, edd. M. Mor, J. Pastor, I. Ronen, Y. Ashkenazi, Jerusalem 2005, 131*-144*.
  22. “Some Aspects of Josephus’ Theological Interpretation of the Jewish War”, inThe Words of a Wise Man’s Mouth are Gracious (Qoh 10,12)”: Festschrift for Günter Stemberger on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, ed. M. Perani, Berlin 2005, 109-20.
  23. “Jewish Inscriptions and Their Use”, in The Literature of the Sages Part II, edd. P.J. Tomson, S. Safrai, Z. Safrai and J. Schwartz, Assen 2006, 459-81 (with H. Misgav).
  24. “Josephus and the Dialogue on the Destruction of Jerusalem”, in Josephus und das Neue Testament: Wechselseitige Wahrnehmungen, edd. C. Böttrich and J. Henser, Tübingen 2007, 181-94.
  25. “Epigraphical Remains from the Period between the Two Revolts”, in New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and its Region, Jerusalem 2007, *19-*24.
  26. “Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/ Palaestinae: A Multilingual Corpus of Inscriptions”, in Acta XII Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae, Barcelona 2002, 2007, 327-32 (with H.M. Cotton).
  27. “The Failure of Rhetoric in Josephus’ BJ”, Ramus 36, 2007, 6-24.
  28. “On the Margins of Culture: The Practice of Transcription in the Ancient World”, in From Hellenism to Islam: Cultural and Linguistic Change in the Roman Near East, edd. H.M. Cotton, R. Hoyland, J.J. Price and D.J. Wasserstein, Cambridge 2009, 257-88 (with S. Naeh).
  29.  Introduction and appendices for a Hebrew translation (by Lisa Ullmann) of Josephus, Bellum Judaicum, Jerusalem 2009, 21-79, 611-617 (in Hebrew).
  30. “Two Unpublished Inscriptions from Private Collections in Jerusalem”, in Israel’s Land: Papers Presented to Israel Shatzman on his Jubilee, edd. J. Geiger, H.M. Cotton and G. Stiebel, Raanana 2009, 119*-129*.
  31. “Compulsion or Choice? The Jewish War and the Problem of ‘Necessity’ According to Josephus”, in Rav Chesed: Essays in Honor of Rabbi Dr. Haskel Lookstein, ed. R. Medoff, Jersey City 2009, 101-15.
  32. “Josephus”, in The Oxford History of Historical Writing, edited by A. Feldherr and G. Hardy, Oxford 2011, 219-43.
  33. “Josephus’ Reading of Thucydides: A Test Case”, in Thucydides — A Violent Teacher? History and its Representations, edd. G. Rechenauer and V. Pothou, Göttingen 2011, 79-98.
  34. “A Greek-Inscribed Sherd”, in Tel ‘Aroer: The Iron Age II Caravan Town and the Hellenistic-Early Roman Settlement, ed. Y. Thareani, Jerusalem 2011, 396-7.
  35. “The Jewish Population of Jerusalem from the First Century B.C.E. to the Early Second Century C.E.: The Epigraphic Record”, in M. Popovic, ed., The Jewish Revolt against Rome: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 154, Leiden 2011, 399-417.
  36. “The Necropolis at Jaffa and its Relation to Beth She‘arim”, in Judaea-Palaestina, Babylon and Rome: Jews in Antiquity, edd. B. Isaac and Y. Shahar, Tübingen 2012, 211-22.
  37. “The Temple Warning Inscription”, Zmanim 117, 2012, 28-31 (Hebrew).
  38.  “Difficult Statements in Thucydides”, in Thucydides Between History and Literature, edd. A. Tsakmakis and M. Tamiolaki, Berlin 2013, 435-46.
  39. “The Herodian House after Herod”, in Herod the Great: The King’s Final Journey (Exhibition Catalogue, Israel Museum), edd. S. Rozenberg and D. Mevorah, Jerusalem 2013, 56-65.
  40. “Julius Caesar’s Civil War”, Introduction to Hebrew translation of Caesar’s Bellum Civile, Jerusalem 2013, 9-42 (Hebrew).
  41. “The Mariam Ossuary in Greek”, in The Tomb of Jesus and His Family? Exploring Ancient Jewish Tombs near Jerusalem’s Walls, ed. J.H. Charlesworth, Grand Rapids, Michigan 2013, 304-9.
  42.  “The Media and Audiences of the Hebrew and Aramaic Jewish Inscriptions in Iudaea/ Palaestina”, in  Öffentlichkeit – Monument – Text: XIV Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae 27. – 31. Augusti MMXII, edd. W. Eck and P. Funke, Berlin 2014, 183-96.
  43.  “Thucydidean Stasis and Roman Empire in Appian’s Interpretation of History”, Appian’s Roman History: Empire and Civil War, ed. K. Welch, Swansea 2015, 45-63.
  44.  “A Curious Case: Pliny Does Not Write History (Ep. 5.8)”, Scripta Classica Israelica 33, 2014, 171-89.
  45. “Transplanted Communities in Iudaea/Palaestina: The Epigraphic Evidence”, Scripta Classica Israelica 34, 2015, 27-40.
  46.  “Introduction to Livy”, in Titus Livius, The War with Hannibal, a Hebrew translation by M. Lifshits of Livy, Books 21-30, Jerusalem 2015, 9-37 (Hebrew).
  47. “Greek Historians of the Roman Empire: A Chapter in the Intellectual History of the Roman Empire”, in the Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities 9, 2016, 207-23 (in Hebrew).
  48. “Josephus and the ‘Law of History’: A Note”, in When West Met East, The Encounter of Greece and Rome with the Jews, Egyptians, and Others, edd. by David Schaps and Uri Yiftach, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste 2016, 8-20.
  49.  “The Historiographical Vehicle of Lucian’s Journey in Verae Historiae”, in M.R. Niehoff, ed., Journeys in the Roman East: Imagined and Real, Tübingen 2017, 225-37.
  50. “A Hebrew Inscription from the Athenian Agora”, Corpus Inscriptionum Judaicarum Graeciae, Athens 2018, pp. 212-13.
  51.  “‘Epigraphical Rabbis’ in Their Epigraphical Contexts”, in M.L. Satlow, ed., Strength to Strength. Essays Presented to Shaye J.D. Cohen, Providence, RI, 2018, 491-509.
  52. “Introduction”, with K. Berthelot, in J.J. Price and K. Berthelot, eds., In the Crucible of Empire: The Impact of Roman Citizenship upon Greeks, Jews and Christians, Leuven, Peeters, 2019 [Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Culture and Religion 21], 1-17.
  53.  “The Languages of the Jews in Roman Palestine: The Evidence of Inscriptions”, in C.E. Morrison, ed., On the Languages of Roman Palestine at the Time of Jesus. Orientalia 89, 2020, 112-29.
  54. “Structural Weaknesses in Rome’s Power? Historians’ Views on Roman Stasis”, in K. Berthelot, ed., Reconsidering Roman Power: Roman, Greek, Jewish and Christian Perceptions and Reactions, l’École Française de Rome 2020, 255-67.
  55. “The Future of Rome in Greek Historians”, in The Future of Rome (Edited Book #4 above), 85-111.
  56. “The Originality of Appian of Alexandria”, SCI 40, 2021, 31-47.
  57. “The Ḥimyarites at Beth She‘arim”, Eretz Israel 34, Ada Yardeni Volume, 2021, 130*-141*.
  58.   “Introduction”, in Titus Livius, The Beginnings of Rome, a Hebrew translation by M. Lifshits of Livy, Books 1-5, Jerusalem 2021, 9-23 (Hebrew).
    to a new Hebrew translation of Livy, Ab Urbe Condita, to be published by Carmel Press.
  59.  (with M. Aviam) “A Greek Inscription and Architectural Fragments, Possibly of a Synagogue, from Sejara (Ilaniya)”, SCI 41, 2022, 63-76.
  60. “Local Dialects and Local Identities of Synagogue Communities in the Roman Empire”, in Rome: An Empire of Many Nations (Edited Book #5 above), 223-38.  
  61.  “Insights into Jewish Epigraphical Idioms from the CIIP”, in W. Ameling, ed., Centre and Periphery: Working with Inscriptions of Iudaea/Palaestina. Antiquitas 76, 2022, 103-24.    
  62. “Jewish proselytes in inscriptions: An Update and Reassessment”, in D. Hofmann, A. Klingenberg and K. Zimmermann, eds., Asia Minor Studien 102: Religion und Epigraphik: Kleinasien, der griechische Osten und die Mittelmeerwelt: Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Walter Ameling, Bonn 2023, 119-135.
  63.  “Jewish Multilingualism in the Galilee: The Evidence of Inscriptions”, forthcoming in Jewish Multilingualism in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages, edd. L. Rutgers, W. van Bekkum and C. Cordoni, Brill.
  64.  “Historiography in the Time of Stasis: Reflections on the Nationalistic Uprisings in Judaea/Palestine”, forthcoming in a Festschrift for Martin Goodman.
  65.  “The Different Faces of Euergetism in Iudaea/ Palaestina and Syria in Late Antiquity: The Evidence of Synagogue Inscriptions”, forthcoming in Coping with Religious Change: Adopting Transformations and Adapting Rituals in the Late Antique Eastern Mediterranean, edited by Eduard Iricinschi and Chrysi Kotsifou, to be published by Mohr Siebeck.
  66. “What Happened to All the Inscriptions on the Temple Mount?”, in N. Hacham, ed., Festschrift for D.R. Schwartz, forthcoming.
  67.  “Suetonius”, introduction to new Hebrew translation of Suetonius’ biographies of the twelve Caesars (Hebrew).
  68. “Josephus”, introduction to new Chinese translation of Josephus, Jewish War (in Chinese, which I can’t read!).
  69. “Lisa Ullmann”, forthcoming in Brill Biographical Dictionary of Women Classicists.




T. Ilan, Jewish Women in Graeco-Roman Palestine. An Inquiry into Image and Status (Tübingen 1995) (from Hebrew). 


Encyclopaedia Entries

1. “The First Jewish Revolt”, Oxford Encyclopaedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls, 2000, 292-5.

2. “Jüdischer Krieg” Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 4th ed. 2001.

3. “The First Jewish Revolt”, Dictionary of Early Judaism.

4. “Zealots and Sicarii”, Encyclopaedia Judaica.



1. T. Rajak, Josephus, The Historian and His Society (London: Duckworth, 1983), in SCI 7, 1983/84, 138-42.

2. L. Grabbe, Judaism from Cyrus to Hadrian (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1992), in Ioudaios 4.003, 1993, 1-6.

3. L. Feldman, Jew and Gentile in the Ancient World (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993), in SCI 14, 1995, 192-3.

4. M. Bohrmann, Flavius Josephus, the Zealots and Yavne. Towards a Rereading of The War of the Jews (Bern, etc.: P. Lang, 1994), in Journal of Roman Studies 85, 1995, 307-8.

5. Studies in Early Jewish Epigraphy, edd. J.W. van Henten and P.W. van der Horst (Leiden: Brill, 1994), in the Journal of the American Oriental Society 116, 1996, 772-4.

6. L.V. Rutgers, The Jews of Late Ancient Rome (Leiden: Brill, 1995), in the Journal of the American Oriental Society 117, 1997, 720-1.

7. D. Noy, Jewish Inscriptions of Western Europe, Vol. 2: The City of Rome (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), in Religious Studies Review 22, 1996, 258.

8. Placing the Gods: Sanctuaries and Sacred Space in Ancient Greece, edd. Susan E. Alcock and Robin Osborne (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994), in Religious Studies Review 24, 1998, 290.

9. City of the Great King. Jerusalem from David to the Present, ed. Nitza Rosovsky (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press), in Religious Studies Review 24, 1998, 323(wrong).


10. Studies on the Jewish Diaspora in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods, Te‘uda XII, edd. B. Isaac and A. Oppenheimer (Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University Press, 1996), in SCI 17, 1998, 255-7.

11. Klaas Dijkstra, Life and Loyalty: A Study in the Socio-Religious Culture of Syria and Mesopotamia in the Graeco-Roman Period Based on Epigraphical Evidence (Leiden-New York-Köln: Brill, 1995), in Religious Studies Review 24, 1998, 279(wrong).

12. T.J. Luce, The Greek Historians (London and New York: Routledge, 1997), in SCI 17, 1998, 227-29.

13. John W. Humphrey, John P. Oleson and Andrew N. Sherwood, Greek and Roman Technology: A Sourcebook (London and New York: Routledge, 1998), in Religious Studies Review 27, 2001, 161.

14. John D. Mikalson, Religion in Hellenistic Athens (Berkeley, etc.: University of California Press, 1998), Religious Studies Review 27, 2001, 162.

15. Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2004). Volume I: Eastern Europe, edited by D. Noy, A. Panayotov and H. Bloedhorn. Volume II: Kleinasien, edited by Walter Ameling. Volume III: Syria and Cyprus, edited by D. Noy and H. Bloedhorn, Henoch 29, 2007, 378-83.

16. Studies in Josephus and the Varieties of Ancient Judaism: Louis H. Feldman Jubilee Volume, edd. S.J.D. Cohen and Joshua Schwartz (Leiden: Brill,  2007), in Zion 75, 2010, 73-7, in Hebrew: סקירות.

17. A Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography, ed. John Marincola (Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2007), Scripta Classica Israelica 29, 2010, 109-12.

18. Clifford Ando, The Matter of the Gods: Religion and the Roman Empire (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008), in The European Legacy 16, 2011, 565-6.

19. Jewish Perspectives on Hellenistic Rulers, edd. Tessa Rajak, Sarah Pearce, James Aitken and Jennifer Dines (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007), in The European Legacy 16, 2011, 427.

20. Nancy Evans, Civic Rites: Democracy and Religion in Ancient Athens ((Berkeley: University of California Press, 2010), in The Journal of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, in The European Legacy 17, 2012.

21. Ryan S. Olson, Tragedy, Authority and Trickery: The Poetics of Embedded Letters in Josephus (Washington, DC: Center for Hellenic Studies, 2010), in SCI 31, 2012, 227-8.

22. Bezalel Bar-Kochva, The Image of the Jews in Greek Literature. The Hellenistic Period. Hellenistic Culture and Society 51 (Berkeley, etc.: University of California Press, 2010), in Classical Review 62, 2012, 431-3.

23. Doron Lopez, Rome and the Jews after the Destruction of the Temple, Jerusalem: Zalman Shazar Center, 2021, forthcoming in Cathedra (in Hebrew).


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