פרופ' רות רונן

סגל אקדמי בכיר בחוג לפילוסופיה
ועדת מינויים יחידתית בביה"ס למדעי התרבות
חוג לפילוסופיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
פרופ' רות רונן
טלפון פנימי: 03-6405628
טלפון נוסף: 03-6409492
משרד: גילמן, 440


Ruth Ronen is Professor at the department of philosophy. 
She graduated from the department of Comparative Literature at the University of Toronto (1984) and has been since 1985 on the faculty of the Humanities at Tel Aviv University, first as member of the department of Poetics and Comparative Literature. She joined the Philosophy department in 1997.





1.        Ronen, Ruth. Possible Worlds in Literary Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1994.

2.        Ronen, Ruth. Representing the Real. Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi 2002.

3.        Ronen, Ruth. Aesthetics of Anxiety. SUNY Press, 2009. 

4.        Ronen, Ruth. Art and Its Discontents (In Hebrew). Am-Oved Publishers, 2010.

5.        Ronen, Ruth. Art before the Law. University of Toronto Press, 2014

6.        Ronen, Ruth. Lacan with the Philosophers (In Hebrew). Tel Aviv University Press, 2015.
           (English version University of Toronto Press, April 2018).



  1. "Poetical Coherence in Literary Prose." Style, vol.20, no.1, 1986, pp.66‑74.
  2. "Space in Fiction." Poetics Today, vol.7:3, 1986, pp.421‑438.
  3. "Completing the Incompleteness of Fictional Entities."Poetics Today, vol.9:3, 1988, pp.497-514.
  4. "The World of Allegory." The Journal of Literary Semantics, XVII/2, 1988, pp. 91‑121.
  5. “The Semiotics of Fictional Time: Three metaphors in the study of temporality in fiction" Style, 24, No.1, 1990, pp.22‑44.
  6. "La focalisation dans les mondes fictionnels" Poètique, 83, 1990, pp.305‑322.
  7. "Possible Worlds in Literary Theory: An Interdisciplinary Game", Semiotica, 80‑3/4, 1990, pp.277‑297.
  8. "Paradigm Shift in Plot models: A View on the History of Narratology", Poetics Today, 11:4, 1990, pp.817‑842.
  9. "Ambiguity in Literary Conceptualizations: The Case of 'World'", In: E.Ibsch, D. Schram &    G.Steen (eds.) Empirical Studies of Literature. Amsterdam.Atlanta, GA, 1991.pp. 397‑404.
  10. "Possible Worlds Between the Disciplines". British Journal of Aesthetics, 33:1, 1993,   p.29‑40.
  11. "Philosophical Realism and Postmodern Antirealism" Style 29:2, 1995, p.184-200.
  12. "Are Fictonal Worlds Possible?" in: C. Mihailescu and W.Hamarneh (eds.). Fiction Updated: The Theory of Fictionality and Contemporary Humanities. Uni of Toronto Press, 1996, pp.21-29.
  13. "Description, Narrative and Representation". Narrative 5:3, 1997, pp. 274-286
  14. "Incommensurability and Representation". Applied Semiotics (Online journal), Issue 5, 1998, pp. 291-302.
  15. “The Impossible World of Representation”. Art and Representation: Contributions to Contemporary Aesthetics (ed.A.C. Sukla). CT, U.S.:Greenwood Press, 2001
  16. “The Real as Limit to Interpretation”. Semiotica 132-1/2, 2000, pp. 121-135.
  17. Ronen, Ruth and Biberman, Efrat
    "Who is Deceived by trompe l'oeil?" Tymieniecka (ed.) "Human Creation between Reality and Illusion" Analecta Husserliana 87, pp. 257-265. 2005 (Kluwer Academic Publishers).
  18. “Look the Doll in the Eyes: The Uncanny in Contemporary Art”. Psyart (Online journal). 2005
  19. “Art and Anxiety, or: Lacan with Joyce”, Return A Journal of Lacanian Studies, volume 2 (2005), pp. 143-156.
  20. Ronen, Ruth and Biberman, Efrat
    “The Truth about Narrative, or: How Does Narrative matter?” Philosophy and Literature 30:1, pp. 118-139, 2006.
  21. “A Portrait of the Artist as a Vanishing Genius".Literature and Aesthetics 16:1, pp. 37-58, 2006.
  22. “Love of Truth, True Love and the Truth about Love”, in:Figures of the Unconscious,
    Eran  Dorfman & Jens De Vleminck (editors), Leuven University Press, 2010.
  23. "Des mondes possibles au-delà au principe de vérité". In: La théorie littéraire des mondes possibles (ed. Françoise Lavocat). Presses du CNRS, pp. 189-202, 2010.
  24. “Dying of Shame, Consumed by Anxiety”. Hurly-Burly, vol. 4 (, pp. . ), 2010.
  25. “The Story of the Law and the Impossibility of the Outside”. The Edinburgh Companion to Narrative, forthcoming 2018.
  26. “Lacan and the Philosophical Soul”. Philosophy Today 2017.
  27.  “Crossing the Aesthetic Regime”. In: A. Weiberg & S.Majetschak (eds.) Aesthetics Today, Ontos Verlag, 2017.
  28.  “The Invisible in the Dancing Body”, In: Wengrower, H. and Chaiklin, S.  International Perspectives on Dance Movement Therapy: Dance and Creative Process in Theory, Research and PracticeNew York: Routledge (forthcoming).
  29.  “Hamlet’s Melancholy”, Mikan, 2019. (in Hebrew).


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