Uri S. Cohen is a Senior Lecturer at Tel Aviv University, where he teaches Hebrew and Italian literature. He served on the faculty of MESAAS at Columbia University 2004-2011 and moved to Tel Aviv through an award from Yad Hanadiv foundation.
פרופ' אורי כהן
סגל אקדמי בכיר בהחוג לספרות
החוג לספרות
סגל אקדמי בכיר
General Information
The Security Style: Hebrew literature and Security from the forties to our times, Italy in the Twentieth Century: Literature, Cinema and Politics, Postcolonial thinking: a literary theoretical perspective on Hebrew culture in a global context, World Masterpieces of the Western World, Primo Levi: Thoughts on the drowned, the saved, love, war and writing
- Survival – Senses of Death between the World Wars, Tel Aviv: Resling, 2007 (Hebrew).
- The Poetics of Orly Castel Bloom, Tel Aviv: Ahuzat Bait, (Series editor, Ariel Hirschfeld), 2011. (Hebrew)
- The Security Style in Hebrew Literature, Bialik Institute, 2015-2016 (Hebrew, forthcoming)
- “Literary Aspects of Chaim Hillel Ben Sasson on Sephardic Jews”, Peamim 92, 2002, pp.149-166 (Hebrew)
- “The Zionist Animal – a Study in Zionist Figures", Jerusalem studies in Hebrew Literature. No. 19, 2003, pp. 167-217 (Hebrew)
- “If This is a Man, on Primo Levi’s Concept of Man.”, Alpaim 24, Summer 2004, pp. 100-110 (Hebrew)
- “Agnon’s Modernity”, Modernism/Modernity, Vol. 13, no. 4 (2006) 657-671.
- “Grief and Bereavement in the National Library – a Study of Nation Attributed Death in Hebrew Literature", in Avriel Bar Levav (ed.), War and Peace in Jewish Culture, Jerusalem: Zalman Shazar, 2006, pp. 277-312. (Hebrew)
- “The Misprision of Alterman’s Early Prose: A Study in the Cultural Dynamics of Hebrew Poetry in the Thirties", Studies in Honor of Dan Miron, Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 2007, 921-943. (Hebrew)
- “The Representation of War in Israeli Cinema”, Israeli Cinema: A Reader, Austin: University of Texas Press, 2011, pp. 43-58.
- “Violence and Love in the Prose of Yitzhak Laor”, Ariel Hirschfeld and Sigal Naor Perelman (eds.) Essays about Yitzhak Laor's Oeuvre, Tel Aviv: Hakibutz Hameuchad, 2011, pp. 53-69. (Hebrew).
- “Jew Animal Man: Aharon Appelfeld’s Prose”, Aharon Appelfeld: Twenty Four New Readings, Avidov Lipseker (ed.), Bnei Brak: Bar Ilan University and the Hartman Institute), 2011, pp. 315-336. (Hebrew)
- “Anita Shapira’s Brenner”, Mitaam 23, (2011), pp. 77-84 (Hebrew)
- “'The Zionist Eye': On the History of Israeli Cinema", Ot 2, Spring 2012, Tel Aviv University Literary Journal), pp. 5-29. (Hebrew).
- “Primo Levi and the Figure of Ulysses”, Jewish Social Studies, Vol. 18, No.2, pp. 40-69, 2012.
- “Unravelling the Wars of 1948”, Jewish Social Studies, Vol. 18. No.3, pp. 120-135, 2012.
- “Only Yesterday: A Hebrew Dog and the Colonial Dynamics in Pre-Mandate Palestine”, in: Philip Ackerman and Rakefet Zalashnik(eds.), A Jew’s Best Friend, Brighton: University of Sussex, 2013, pp. 156-179.
- “'I did not Betray': Moshe Dayan, the Security Style and the Cultural Conception of the Yom Kippur War", OT 4, Summer 2014, pp. 201-228. (Hebrew).
- "On Captives and Captivity in Hebrew Literature", in Merav Mack (ed.) Captives, Jerusalem: Van Leer and Shazar Center, 2014, pp. 215-246. (Hebrew)
- “'Zalmei Panim': Alterman and the Community of Ir Hayona", in Alterman Notebooks 5. Tel aviv: Hakibutz Hameuchad and Tel Aviv University Press, (forthcoming)
- “Lagersprache: Primo Levi and the Language of Survival”, Dibur, No.1 (forthcoming Autumn 2015)
- “Ka-Tzetnik, Primo Levi and the Muslims”, in Anette Timm, David Tal, Gideon Greif (eds.) Ka-Tzetnik: The Impact of the First Holocaust Novelist in Israel and Beyond, University of Toronto Press (projected publication 2016).
- Traces of Ida Fink, (a documentary film: Script, research and interview)Jerusalem Film Festival, Summer 2004
[אידה פינק: רישומים לקורות חיים, 2004 יוצר]
- Pier Paolo Pasolini, Ideology and Poetry, Mitaam 24, pp. 172-176 (Translation)
- Erri De Luca, Il Contrario di Uno, Tel Aviv: Hasifria Hahadasha, 2006 (Translation)