פרופ' שולמית וולקוב

פקולטה למדעי הרוח
פקולטה למדעי הרוח
משרד: גילמן



1963-64 Hebrew University, Jerusalem, History and Philosophy
1964-72 University of California, Berkeley, California (1966 B.A; 1967 M.A.; 1972 Ph.D.)

Academic and Professional Experience:

Since 1972 - Dept. of History, Tel Aviv University

1977-78 Visiting Fellow, St.Antony's College, Oxford

1982-83 Fellow, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin

1985-93 Head, Institute for German History, TAU

1986-93 Head, Program for Comparative European History, TAU

1987-93 Editor, Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für Deutsche Geschichte (Yearbook of the IDG)

1987-93 Editor, Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Deutsche Geschichte, TAU (Book Series of IDG)the

1989 Professor of Modern History, TAU

1989 Visiting professor, Chair for Jewish History, University of Munich (2nd Semester)

1989-90 Fellow, Historisches Kolleg, Munich

1992-96 Member, the Planning and Budget Committee of the Israeli Council for Higher Education

1994 The Konrad Adenauer Chair for Comparative European History, TAU.

1994, 2000, Visiting Professor, L'École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris (4 weeks)

1997-2000 Head, Graduate School of History, TAU

2003 Visiting Scholar, Columbia University, New York

2006/7 Member, sub-committee on Higher Education of the Prime-Minister's Planning Team "Israel 2028".

2006 Elected member, Israel Academy of Science and the Humanities

2007 Member, sub-committee on Research of the Shohat Commission on Higher Education.

2010 (October) Emerita

2012 Coordinator, GISFOH (German Israeli Frontier of Humanities) project (IAS and the Humboldtstiftung)

2013 Guest, Internationals Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften, Vienna (7 weeks)

2014 Guest, Zentrum Geschichte des Wissens (ETH and University of Zürich), Zürich (a month)

2014/15 (Winter Semester) Allianz Professorship at the Chair for Jewish History and Culture, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich

2015 Guest, Max Planck Institute, Center for the History of Emotions, summer semester (a month)

Research Students


1987 Aharon Bornstein, From Beggars to Employees: Jewish Vagrants in Germany 1860-1914

1987 Maoz Azaryahu, From "Wilhelmplatz" to "Thälmannplatz" - On the Public Display of East German State Ideology (Now - professor at Haifa University)

1989 Frank Stern, Antisemitism and Philosemitism in Postwar Germany. 1945-1952 (Now – professor, University of Vienna)

1992 Ariela Halkin, The Enemy Reviewed: German Literature through British Eyes Between the Two World Wars

1995 Naama Shefi, German Literature in Hebrew Culture at the Time of the Jewish Settlement in Palestine (Now – Professor at Sapir College, Israel)

1996 Rahel Livneh-Freudenthal, The "Verein für Cultur und Wissenschaft der Juden," 1819-1824

1997 Yf'at Weiss, The Encounter Between German and Polish Jewry, 1933-1939 (Now– professor at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem)

1997 Amira Gelblum, Anita Augsburg and Lydia Gustava Heimann: Women Fighting for Peace, Equality and Freedom

2000 Galili Shachar, The Theater of the Enlightenment: Tragedy and Modernity (Now – professor at Tel Aviv Unversity)

2000 Boaz Neumann, Space, Body and Language in Nastional-Socialist Weltanschaung (Deceased. Senior Lecturer at TAU)

2003 Doron Avraham, The Prussian Conservatives and the Social Order, 1848-1876. (Now – Senior Lecturer, Bar Ilan University)

2006 Giora Sarid, Historiography in the Service of National Ideology: The Case of the Prussian War of liberation

2006 Rakefet zalashik, Chapers in the Development of Psychiatry in the Yeshuv and Israel

2010 Aya Lahav-Elyada, Christian Literature on Yiddish in the Geman Speaking World 1500-1750 (Now – Lecturer, Hebrew University, Jerusalem)

2011 Naama Shik, Jewish Women in Auschwitz

2011 Iris Idelssohn, The “Savage” in the literature of the Jewish Haskalah

2012 Yaniv Kadman, Moritz Lazarus – the Man and his Work

2012 Roni Hirsch-Ratzkovsky, The Metropolitan Jew in Fin de siecle Vienna, Berlin and Paris

2012 Zef segal, Spatial Aspects of "Little" German Nationalism

2013 Ofri Ilani, The Ancient Hebrews in the German Enlightenment

2013 Amir Teicher, "Social Mendelism" and the Human Sciences in Germany 1900-1936 (Now – lecturer, TAU)

Working on their Dissertations:

Amit Varshitzky, Gnosis and the Political Theology of Nazism

Sharon Nimrod, Poverty and the Poor in the German Enlightenment

Michal Wasser, Facing the Issue of Air Bombardment during the Second World War, England 1944-1973

List of Publications


The Rise of popular Antimodernism in Germany. The Urban Master Artisans,1873-1896, Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton N.J. 1978 (A new edition in „Princeton Legacy Library” 2015)

Jüdisches Leben und Antisemitismus im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Verlag C.H.Beck, München 1990.

(A second edition, under the title Antisemitismus als Kultureller Code, Becksche Reihe, Beck Verlag, Muenchen 2000).

Unity and Liberty in Germany: from Napoleon to Bismarck, [Hebrew] Tel Aviv 1997

 Die Juden in Deutschland 1780-1918, vol. 16 of the Enzyklopädie deutscher Geschichte, edited by Lothar Gall a.o., Oldenbourg Verlag, München 1994. second edition, 1999.

(An enlarged and edited Hebrew version: Unity and Assimilation: German Jews 1780-1933, The Open University, Tel Aviv 2003).

 Das Juedische Projekt der Moderne, Becksche Reihe, Beck Verlag, Muenchen 2001.

(A translation into Polish, Warszawa 2006)

The Magic Circle. Jews, Antisemites, and Other Germans,[Hebrew] Am Oved, Tel Aviv 2002

Germans, Jews and Antisemites. Trials in Emancipation, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2006

Walther Rathenau. Weimar’s Fallen Statesman, Yale University Press, New Haven & London 2012 (A German edition: Walther Rathenau. Ein jüdisches Leben in Deutschland, Beck Verlag, Muenchen 2012. Hebrew edition – Am Oved, Tel Aviv 2014)


Books Edited:

Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutshce Geschichte, (Yearbook of the Institute for German History, TAU; in English and in German), with Frank Stern, Bleicher Verlag, Gerlingen

Vol. XVI: Deutschland in Europäischer Perspektive. Studien zur Vergleichenden Geschichte, 1987 (Germany in European Perspective. Studies in Comparative History)

Vol. XVII: Die Weimarer Republik -Demokratie in der Krise, 1988 (The Weimar Republic - A democracy in Crisis)

Vol. XVIII: Die Französische Revolution in Deutschland - Rezeption und Historiographie, 1989 (The French Revolution in Germany - Reception and historiography)

Vol. XIX: Deutschland nach 1945 1990 (Germany after 1945)

Vol. XX: Sozialgeschichte der Juden in Deutschland, 1991 (Social History of the Jews in Germany)

Vol. XXI: Neue Frauengeschichte, 1992 (Modern Women's History)

Vol. XXII: Zur Sozial- und Begriffsgeschichte des Mittelalters, 1993 (Social History and 'Terminological History' of the Middle-Ages)

Deutsche Juden und die Moderne, Oldenbourg Verlag, München 1994

From Division to Unification: German History 1945-1990 [Hebrew], Am Oved, Tel Aviv 1994

Minorities and Other Strangers [Hebrew], Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem 2000.

Jew and Non-Jews in Modern Times, vol. 4, New Jewish Time, Jewish Culture in a secular Age, An Encyclopedic View, [Hebrew], 2007.


Book Translated:

 Sebastian Haffner, Story of a German, (from German into Hebrew), Xargol 2003



* Popular Antimodernism: Ideology and Sentiment among Master Artisans during the 1890's,in: Jahrbuch des Instituts für Deutsche Geschichte, III 1974, 203-226

 * The Decline of German Handicrafts. Another Reappraisal, in: Vierteljahresschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 61 1974, Heft 2, 165-184

 * The Social and Political Function of Late 19th Century Antisemitism. The Case of the Small Handicraft Masters, in: Sozialgeschichte Heute. Festschrift für Hans Rosenberg zum 70. Geburtstag, edited by H.U.Wehler, Göttingen 1974, 416-131 (Also in: Hostages of Modernization. Studies on Modern Antisemitism 1870-1933/39 Germany - Great Britain - France, edited by Herbert A. Strauss, New York 1933, 62-79)

 * Cultural Elitism and Democracy: Notes on Friedrich Meinecke's Political Thought, in: Jahrbuch des Instituts für Deutsche Geschichte, V 1976, 383-418

 * The Immunization of Social Democracy against Antisemitism, in Juden und jüdische Aspekte in der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung, (Beiheft 2 of the Jahrbuch des Instituts für Deustche Geschichte), Tel Aviv 1977, 63-81

 * Antisemitism as a Cultural Code. Reflections on the History and historiography of Antisemitism in Imperial Germany, in: Yearbook of the Leo Baeck Institute, XXIII 1978 25-45 (A polish version in: Polacy Zydzi Ausriacy Niemcy, Warshaw 1995, 7-41)

 * Antisemitismus in Deutschland als Problem Jüdisch-Nationalen Denkens und jüdischer Geschichtsschreibung, in: Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 5 1979, 519-544

 * Moses Hess: Problems of Religion and Faith, in: Zionism - an International Journal of Social, Political and Intellectual History, 3 Spring 1982, 76-81 (Also in Hebrew in Hazionut, 5 1979)

 * German Antisemitism and Jewish National Thought, in: Jerusalem Quarterly, 15 Spring 1980, 53-69

 * Enactment and Repeal of Combination Acts - England and Prussia Compared, in: Jahrbuch des Instituts für Deutsche Geschichte, IX 1980, 309-338

 * The Turning Point of 1879: The Rebirth of the second Reich, in: Zemanim. A Historical Quarterly (Hebrew), I no. 2 1980, 58-69

 * More on Antisemitism and the Study of Antisemitism, in Zemanim. A Historical Quarterly, (Hebrew), II no. 7, 1982, 76-81

 * Erfolgreiche Assimilation oder Erfolg und Assimilation. Die Deutsch-Jüdische Familie im Kaiserreich, in: Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. Jahrbuch, II 1982/83, 373-389

 * Jüdische Assimilation und Eigenart im Wilhelminischen Deutschland, in: Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 9 1983, 331-348 (Also in Hebrew in: Crises of German Nationalism in the 19th and 20th Century, edited by M. Zimmermann, Jerusalem 1983, (169-185)

 * Selbstgefälligkeit und Selbsthaß: Die deutschen Juden zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts, in: Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, 1986, no.1, 1-13 (Also in Hebrew in: Zemanim. A Historical Quarterly, IV no. 14 1984, 28-41)

 * Kontinuität und Diskontinuität im deutschen Antisemitismus 1870-1945, in: Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 33 1985, 221-243 (A French version: Le Texte et la parole: de l'antisémitisme d'avant 1914 à l'antisémitisme nazi, in: L'Allemagne nazi et le génocide juif, edited by F. Furet, Paris 1985;an English version: The Written and the Spoken Word: Continuity and Discontinuity of Antisemitism in Germany 1870-1945, in: Unanswered Questions: Nazi Germany and the Genocide of the Jews, edited by F.Furet, New York 1989, 33-55;a Hebrew version in Yaakov Borut & Oded Heilbronner, eds., German Antisemitism, Tel Aviv 2000, 29-51)

 * The Dynamics of Dissimilation. Ostjuden and German Jews, in: The Jewish Response to German Culture. From the Enlightenment to the Second World War, edited by Reinharz, J. and W. Schatzberg, Hannover London 1985, 192-211

 * Soziale Ursachen des Erfolgs in der Wissenschaft - Juden im Kaiserreich, in: Historische Zeitschrift, 245 1987,315-342 (An English version in: AlephHistorical Studies in Science and Judaism, 1, 2001, 215-249)

 * Die Verbürgerlichung der Juden in Deutschland als Paradigma, in: Bürgertum im 19. Jahrhundert. Deutschland im europäischen vergleich, edited by Jürgen Kocka, Göttingen 1988, vol. 2 343-371 
(An English version: The 'Verbürgerlichung' of the Jews as a Paradigm, in: Bourgeois Society in Nineteenth Century Europe, edited by Jürgen Kocka and Allan Mitschell, Oxford 1993, 367-391)

 * Western Antisemitism Today - An Evaluation, in: Present-Day Antisemitism. Proceeding of the 8th International seminar of the Study Circle on World Jewry, Jerusalem 1988 67-75

 * German Jews in the 19th Century: Ambition, Success, Assimilation, in: Continuity and Change in Jewish Culture and among the Nations, (Hebrew) edited by Joseph Kaplan and Menahem Stern, Jerusalem 1989, 173-188

 * German Jews as a Minority - A Historical Overview, in: France and Germany in the Age of Crisis, 1900-1960. Studies in Memory of Charles Bloch, edited by H. Shamir, Leiden 1989, 339-355

* The "Kristallnacht" in Context: A View from Palestine, in: Yearbook of the Leo Baeck Institute, XXXV 1990, 279-296

* Überlegungen zur Ermordung Rathenaus als symbolishem Akt, in: Ein Mann vieler Eigenschaften. Walther Rathenau und die Kultur der Moderne, edited by Thomas P.Hughes et al., Berlin 1990, 99-105

 * Die Erfindung einer Tradition. Zur Entstehung des modernen Judentum in Deutschland, in: Historische Zeitschrift, 253 1991, 603-629 (Also separately in: Schriften des Historischen Kollegs, Vortrag 29, München 1992; an English version in: Jewish studies at the CEU, 2002-2003, 211-227; a Hebrew version in: Studies in the History of Popular Culture, edited by Benjamin Z. Kedar, Jerusalem 1996, 245-256)

 * History, Historians and the German Nation-State, in: Zemanim. A Historical Quarterly, [Hebrew] 43 1991, 58-69

 * Juden und Judentum im Zeitalter der Emanzipation: Einheit und Vielfalt, in: Die Juden in der europäischen Geschichte, edited by Wolfgang Beck, München 1992, 86-108 (Also in English: Jews and Judaism in the Age of Emancipation: Unity and Variety, in translation of the above: The Jews in European History. Seven Lectures, New York 1992, 73-92

 * Three Germanies and One Europe: Unrealized historiographies, in: Zemanim. A Historical Quarterly [Hebrew], 43 1992, 61-70 (A German version: Historiographische Lücken – Europa und das "Dritte Deutschland", in: Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte, XXIX 2000, 137-162)  

 * Reflexionen zum 'modernen' und 'uralten' jüdischen Nationalismus, in: Deutschlandsweg in die Moderne. politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur im 19. Jahrhundert, edited by W. Hardtwig and H.H. Brandt, München 1993, 145-160 

 * Antisemitism and Anti-Feminism: Cultural Code or Social Norm, [Hebrew] in: Zemanim. A Historical Quarterly, 46-47 1993, 134-143

 * 'Ich bin ein Deutscher jüdischen Stammes'. Walther Rathenau als Jude, in: Die Extreme berühren sich. Walther Rathernau 1867-1922, edited by H. Wilderotter, Berlin 1993, 129-138

 * Prussian Jewry - Myth and Reality, Braun Lectures in the History of the Jews in Prussia [Hebrew], no. 1, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 1993, 1-18 

 * Die Jüdische Gemeinde in Altona 1877-1890. Ein demographisches Profil, in: Von der Arbeiterbewegung zum modernen SozialstaatFestschrift für Gerhard A. Ritter zum 65. Geburtstag, edited by H.-J. Puhle, K. Tennfelde and J. Kocka, München 1994, 601-618

 * Jews among the Nations: A National Narrative or a Chapter in a Joint History, in: Zion [Hebrew] LXI no.1 1996, 91-111

 * The Ambivalence of "Bildung": Jews and Other Germans, in: The German-Jewish Dialogue Reconsidered. A Symposium in Honor of George L. Mosse, edited by Klaus L. Berghahn, New York 1996

 * Nationalismus, Antisemitismus und die deutsche Geschichtsschreibung, in: Nation und Gesellschaft in Deutschland. Historische Essays. Hans Ulrich Wehler zum 65. Geburtstag, edited by Manfred Hettling and Paul Nolte, München 1996

 * Reflections on German-Jewish Historiography: Dead End or New Beginning? in: Yearbook of the Leo Baeck Institute, XLI 1996, 309-320

 * Juden als "Mandarine." Neue Überlegungen zu den sozialen Ursachen des jüdischen Erfolgs in den  Naturwissenschaften, in: Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, Bd. 37, 1997, 1-18 (An English version in: AlephHistorical Studies in Science and Judaism, 1, 2001, 250-81)

 * Minorities and the Nation-State: A post-Modern perspective, in: Jewish Studies. Forum of the World Union of Jewish Studies, 37, 1997, 69*-89* (A German version in: Geschichte und Emanipation. Festschrift für Reinhart Rürup, edited by Michael Grüttner et al., Frankfurt/New York, 1999, 58-74).  

 * German Jews between Fulfillment and Disillusion: The Individual and the Community, in: In Search of Jewish Community. Jewish Identities in Germany and Austria 1918-1933, edited by Derek Penslar and Michael Brenner, Bloomington 1998, 1-14.

 * Sprache als Ort des Auseinandersetzung mit Juden und Judentum in Deutschland, 1780-1933, in: Jüdische Intellektuelle und die Philologien in Deutschland 1871-1933, edited by Wilfried Barner and Chrisph König, 1998  

 * The Deaf as a Minority Group and the Early Controversy over Sign Language, in Historia, 1, 1998 [Hebrew], 55-94.


* Exploring the Other: The Enlightenment Search for the Boundaries of Humanity, in: The 'Other' as Threat - Demonization and Antisemitism, edited by Robert S. Wistrich, London, 1999, 148-167.

  * Nationalismus, Antisemitismus und die deutsche Geschichtsschreibung, in: Die Konstruktion der Nation gegen die Juden, edited by Peter alter, C.-E. Bärsch und Peter Berghoff, München 1999, 261-272    

 * Zeichen und Zeichensprache im Zeitalter der Aufklärung, in: Kultur der Zeichen, edited by Werner Stegmaier, Frankfurt am Main, 2000,  167-197.

 * The Generation of World World War I and the New National Sense of Identity in Germany, in: Wars, Revolutions and Generational Identity [Hebrew], edited By Joseph Mali, Tel Aviv 2001, 40-54.

 * Antisemitism, in the new edition of the Encyclpaedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2002, vol. 1, 542-549

 * Talking of Jews, Thinking of Germans:The Ethnic Discourse in 19th Century Germany, in: Tel Aviver Jahbuch für deutsche Geschichte, XXXI 2002, ***

 * Dilemma und Dialektik:Zwei Jahrhunderte Aufklärung aus jüdischer Sicht, A special publication of the Chair for Jewish Culture, University of München, 2003, 11-34.

 * German Jewish History: Back to Bildung and Culture? In: What History Tells. George L. Mosse and the Culture of Modern Europe, edited by stanely Payne et al., Winconsin Minn. 2003, 223-238.

 * Antisemitism as Explanation: For and Against, in: Catastrophe and Meaning. The Holocaust and the Twentieth Century, Edited by Moishe Postone and Erik Santner, Chicago 2003, 34-48. (A German version in: Droysen-Vorlesungen, Philosophisches Fakultät. Historisches Institut, Jena 2005, 115-131) 

* The Jewish Project of Modernity: Diverse or Unitary, in:The European Way. European societies in the 19th and 20th Centuries, edited by Hatmut Kaelble, New York & Oxford 2004, 226-252. (Hebrew version in: Zionism and the Return to History. A Reappraisal, edited By S.N. Eisenstadt and M. Lisak, Jerusalem 1999, 279-305)

* Old and New Approaches to the History of National Socialism. The double Perspective of Germans and Jews,” in: Jüdische welten. Juden in Deutschalnd vom 18. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart, edited by Marion Kaplan and Beate Meyer, Göttingen 2005, 457-475.

* How German and How Jewish were the German Jews, in: Text and Context: Studies in Modern Jewish History and Historiography in Honor of Ismar Schorsch, edited by Eli Lederhendler and Jack Wertheimer, New York: Jewish Theological Seminary 2005, 411-431.

* Jewish History: The Nationalism of Transnationalism, in: Transnationale Geschichte. Themen, Tendenzen und Theorien, ed. by Gunilla Budde, Sebastian Conrad, Oliver Janz, Goettingen 2006

* Readjusting Cultural Codes: Reflections on Anti-semitism and Anti-Zionsim, in: The Journal of Israel Studies, vol. 25, no. 1, March 2006, 51-62 (also in: Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism in Historical Perspective. Convergence and Divergence, edited by Jeffrey Herf, New York 2006, 38-49)

* Jakob Katz and social history: Looking Backwards and Forwards, in: Historiography Reappraised. New Viewss of Jacob Katz's Oeuvre, ed. by Israel Bartal and shmuel Feiner [Hebrew], Jerusalem 2008, 115-128.

* Modernism, Anti-Modernism, Post-Modernism: The Controversy over the Nature of Imperial Germany [Hebrew], in: Zmanim 102, Spring 2008, 80-91.

* Nochmals zum Antimodernismus im Kaiserreich, in: Das Deutsche Kaiserreich in der Kontroverse, ed. By Sven Oliveer Müller and Cornelius Trop, Goettingen 2009, 77-85.

* Jewish Emancipation, Liberalism and the Challenge of Pluralism in Modern Germany, in: Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte (Juden und Muslime in Deutschland), 2009, 32-43.

* Historiography in the Loop: The case of Nazi Anti-Semitism, in Zion [Hebrew], 2011 no.3, 369-79.

* The Father, the Son and the Human Soul: Reflections on Walther Rathenau’s Life and Work, in: American Imago, vol. 68, no, 4, 2011, 625-50

* The Story of German Jewry: Historical Dynamics and Historiographical Stagnation, in: Culture, Memory, and History. Essays in Honor of Anita Shapira, ed. by Meir Chazan and Uri Cohen, Tel Aviv 2012, 237-50.

* Walther Rathenau’s Dilemma: Modernity and the Human Soul, in: Against the Grain. Jewish Intellectuals in hard Times, eds. Ezra Mendelssohn, Stefani Hoffman and Richard I. Cohen, New York 2013, Chapter 8.

* Delusions of Unity: The Case of Germany, in: Nationalism and Binationalism. The Perils of Perfect Structures, vol. 1, edited by Anita Shapira et al., The Israel Democracy Institute, Sussex 2013, 50-61.

* German Jews: The Temptation of Racism, in: Lessons and Legacies, vol. XI, ed. by Hilary Earl et al. Evanstone, Ill. 2014, 211-228.

* Biographie und Dichtung: Der Fall Rathenau – Musil, in Chilufim. Zeitschrift für Jüdische Kulturgeschichte, 17/2014, 5-26.

* Bitten und Streiten: Die Emanzipation der Juden auf dem Wiener Kongress, in: Der Wiener Kongress. Die Erfindung Europas, Hg. Thomas Just et al, Wien 2014.

* Politik als Integrationsverfahren. Juden im Kaiserreich, in: Was war deutsches Judentum? 1870-1933, hrsg. von Christina von Braun, Berlin / München – Boston 2015, 195-202.

* Freundschaft in Zerwürfnis: Walther Rathenau und Maximilian Harden, in: Münchner Beiträge zur jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur, 2/2015, 42-54.

* Chaim Weizmann’s German Colleagues – Challenge and Inspiration, in: Chaim Weizmann – Scientist, Statesman and Architect of Science Policy, [Hebrew], Jerusalem 2015, 154-172.

* German Émigré Historians in Israel, in: The Second Generation. Émigrés from Nazi Germany as Historians, ed. by Andreas W. Daum et al, New York/Oxford 2016, 261-270.


Some non-Academic Articles of some Academic Interest:

 *Political Considerations and Inflation: The case of Weimar Germany, in: Economic Quarterly, (Hebrew) December 1985, 418-426

 *The Test of Social Democracy: The Case of the Weimar Republic, in: Politica (Hebrew) 22 1988, 8-12

 *Germany and the West: Peculiarities and Similarities, in: Alpayim. A Multidisciplinary Publication for Contemporary Thought and Literature, (Hebrew) 2   1990, 94-106

 *Jacob Toury - zum 75. Geburtstag, in: Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für Deutsche Geschichte, XX 1991, 13-21

 *Hans Rosenberg as a Teacher: A Few Personal Notes, in: Central European History, 24 no.1 1991, 58-63

*Judenhass, Israel, Nationalstaatlichkeit, in: Die Folgen von 1989, edited by Georg Kohler and Martin Meyer (NZZ), München 1995, 107-117.

 *Reply to A.B. Yehushua on the Meaning of Anti-Semistism, in: Alpayim [Hebrew], 28, 2005, 52-58


Academic Prizes and Honors:

1977 The Israeli Fellowship, St. Antony's College, Oxford

1982 fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (not used)

1988 Förderpreis der Stiftung Historisches Kollleg, Munich

1998 Friedrich-Gundolf-Preis der Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung

2014 Honorary Doctorate, Ben Gurion University, Beer-Sheva