1982-1985 - Tel Aviv University Middle Eastern History and BA 1985 Arabic Language and Literature (Summa cum laude)
1985-1988 - Tel Aviv University Middle Eastern History MA 1988 (Magna cum laude)
Master’s Thesis: “The Arab-Israeli Struggle Over the Jordan Waters and the Inter-Arab System.”
1989-1992 - Tel Aviv University Middle Eastern History PHD 1992
Doctoral Dissertation: The Challenge of Independence: Lebanon under Bishara al-Khuri, 1943-1952.
Professional Experience
1992, Tel Aviv University The Moshe Dayan Center for Research Fellow Middle Eastern and African Studies
1993, Tel Aviv University Middle Eastern and African History, lecturer
1995-1996, Cornell University Near Eastern Studies, Visiting Assistant Professor
1996-1997, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Visiting Research Fellow
1998, Tel Aviv University, Middle Eastern and African History, Senior Lecturer
2002,Tel Aviv University, Middle Eastern and African History, Associate Professor
2006, Tel Aviv University, Middle Eastern and African History, Full Professor
2004-2008, Chair, Department of Middle Eastern and African History , Tel Aviv University
2007- 2010, Director, the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, Tel Aviv University
2010- 2015, Dean, Faculty of Humanities, Tel Aviv University
Editorial Board of Journals
2009 -, Bustan, The Middle East Book Review
Membership in Scientific Associations
The Middle East Studies Association (MESA)
Syrian Studies Association
Association for Israel Studies
The Middle East and Islamic studies association of Israel (Meisai)
The Israeli Historical association
Active Participation in Scientific Meetings
1. "Syria and the Peace Process One Year after Madrid.” Paper presented at the conference on “Peacemaking One Year after Madrid: The Politics and Concepts of Negotiations,” organized by the Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Studies, Tel Aviv University, November 1992.
2. “Syria and Israel: The Road to Peace.” Paper presented at the conference on “Cooperation and Security in Europe, the Mediterranean and the Balkans,” organized by the Hellenic Foundation for Defense and Foreign Policy at Halki, Greece, 29 August-1 September 1993.
3. “Asad’s Syria and the Peace Process.“ Paper presented at the annual conference of the Israel Oriental Society, Tel Aviv University, 1 May 1994.
4. “Syria: The Ba`th Regime and the Islamic Movement - Stepping on a New Path.” Paper presented at the MESA (Middle East Studies Association of North America) Conference, at Providence, Rhode Island, 21-24 November 1996.
5. “Syria: The Renewed Struggle for Power.” Paper presented at the conference on “Modern Syria: Social and Political Issues,” organized by the Jewish-Arab Center, Haifa University, 17-18 December 1996.
6. “The Six Day War - The Syrian Front.” Paper presented at the conference on “30 Years to the Six Day War,” organized by the Center for Security and social Studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 4-5 May 1997.
7. “The Alawis of Syria - From Ethnic Minority to a Ruling Sect.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Israeli Historical Studies Association Conference, at Jerusalem, 21 June 1997.
8. “Threat Perceptions and Inclinations to Peace: Middle East Cases - Syria and Lebanon.” Paper presented at a workshop on Europe and the Middle East - New Tracks to Peace,” organized by the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, Tel Aviv University, 14-15 September 1997.
9. “The Syrian Regime and the Peace Process - The Domestic Front.” Paper presented at the conference on “The Middle East at the Crossroads,” organized by the Jewish-Arab Center, Haifa University, 10-12 November 1997.
10. “Syria - The Elections to the People’s Assembly (August 1994) - Excising Democracy?” Paper presented at the MESA (Middle East Studies Association of North America) Conference, at San Francisco, 21-24 November 1997.
11. “The Syrian Ba`th Regime and the Islamic Movement.” Paper presented at the annual conference of the Israel Oriental Society, at Bar-Ilan University, 3 June 1998.
12. ”Israel and Syria: Where is the Peace Process Headed?,” Paper presented at the AIS (Association for Israel Studies) Annual Conference, at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 14-16 June 1998.
13. "The Arab-Israeli Peace Process - Challenges and Prospects,” Paper presented at the KAMES Korean Association of Middle East Studies) 7th International Symposium, at Seoul, Korea, 15 - 17 October 1998.
14. Syria’s Roads to the October War.” Paper presented at a conference on “The Yom Kipur War - 25 Years After.,” organized by the Hertzel Institute for Zionist Studies, Haifa University, 4-5 November 1998.
15. “Remembering the past, looking to the future: Syrian - Turkish Relations and their Place in Political discourse and in the formation of Historical Memory in Syria.” Paper presented at the MESA (Middle East Studies Association of North America) Conference at Chicago, Illinois, 4-7 December 1998.
16. “Lebanon - Religious Sects, Diasporas and Political Stability.” Paper presented at the International Conference on “Middle Eastern Minorities and Diasporas,” organized by the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace, The Hebrew University and the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Bar-Ilan University, in 13-14 December 1998.
17. “The Middle East Approaches Year 2000.” Paper presented at the Israel-Japan Intellectual Exchange Program, organized by the Japan center for International Exchange (JCIE), Tokyo, 16-23 October 1999.
18. “Syria - Society and State in Transition - the Question of Succession and “The Next Generation.” Paper presented at the international conference on “At the turn of the Century: Transition in Middle East Societies,” organized by the Chaim Herzog Center for Middle East studies and Diplomacy, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 7-8 December 1999.
19. “Israel and Syria - on the Road to peace.” Paper presented at the international conference on “The Peace Process in the middle East,” organized by the Jewish-Arab Center, Haifa university and the University of Oklahoma, at Haifa university, 13-15 March 2000.
20 “Emerging Historical Debate – The Origins of the Six-Day War – The Case of the Syrian Front.” Paper presented at the annual conference of the Israel Oriental Society, at Tel Aviv University, 24 May 2000.
21. “Syrian-Israeli Peace Negotiations- the Barak Era.” Paper presented at the AIS (Association for Israel Studies) Annual Conference at Tel Aviv University, 25-27 June 2000.
22. “The Syrian Army: Between the Domestic and External Fronts.” Paper presented at the international conference on “Armed Forces in the Middle East: Politics and strategy,” organized by the School of Advanced International Studies, John Hopkins university and the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Bar-Ilan University, 15-16 November 2000.
23. “Israeli-Syrian Relations – the Barak Era.” Paper presented at the MESA (Middle East Studies Association of North America) Conference at Orlando, Florida, 17-19 November 2000
24. ”The Israeli-Syrian-Turkish Triangle – Between Confrontation and cooperation.” Paper presented at the conference on “Ottoman Beer Sheva Centenary,” organized by the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 10-11 December 2000.
25. “The Mediterranean Idea in Syria and Lebanon: Between Territorial Nationalism and Pan-Arabism.” Paper presented at the international conference on “The Mediterranean Idea,” organized by the Center for Mediterranean Civilizations Project at Tel Aviv university and Mishkenot Sha’ananim, 27-31 January 2001.
26. “The image of France in Syria – From Enemy to Ally.” Paper presented at a conference on “France in the Middle East: Past, Present and Future,” organized by the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 29-30 April 2001.
27. “Israel and the Arab World after the al-Aqsa Intifada.” Paper presented at the AIS (Association for Israel Studies) Annual Conference at the American University, Washington, 15-17 May 2001.
28. “Israel and the Arab world from in the wake of the al-Aqsa Intifada,” Paper presented at the MESA (Middle East Studies Association of North America) Conference at San Francisco, California, 13-15 November 2001.
29. “The Arab World and the Palestinian Question.” AIS (Association for Israel Studies) Annual Conference at the University of Denver, Colorado, 23-25 May 2002
30. “The Arab-Israeli Peace process- What Went Wrong?” First World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, University of Mainz. 8-13 Sept. 2002
31. “Arab-Israeli Relations – from War to Peace?” MESA (Middle Eastern Studies Association of North America) Annual Conference at Washington D.C. 24-26 Nov. 2002
32. “Back to Islam – the Syrian Case.” International Colloquium on “Middle Eastern Societies and the West: Accommodation or Clash of civilizations?, organized by the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Tel Aviv University, 6-17 Dec. 2002
33. "Britain, France and the Levant, 1941-45," paper submitted in the International Conference on "Britain and the Middle East," organized by the Harry S, Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 20-22 June 2004
34. "Israel and the Arab World – A Year after the War in Iraq," paper submitted in the 20th AIS (Association pf Israel Studies) conference, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 14-16 June 2004.
35. "The Arab-Israeli Conflict – A Year after the War in Iraq," paper submitted in the MESA (Middle East Studies Association of North America) Annual Conference, San Francisco, 21-24 November 2004.
36. "Middle eastern Political Trends," pa[per submitted in that international conference on in Israel's Strategic Agenda organized by the Begin-Sadat Center for Startegic Studies, bar Ilan University, 4-5 July 2005.
37. "Writing a Constitution – Constitutional Debates In Syria and Lebanon in the Mandate Period," paper submitted at the international conference on "The Roots of Liberal Thoughts in the Eastern Mediterranean" organized by the Politik und Zeitgeschichte Des Modernen Nahen Ostens Friedrich-Alexander –Universitat, Erlangen, Germany 30 July – 4 August 2005.
38. "The Arab World and the Arab-Israeli Conflict," paper submitted in the MESA (Middle East Studies Association of North America) Annual Conference, Washington D. C. 19-22 November 2005.
39. "Israel, Syria and Lebanon." Paper submitted at the International Conference on "Israeli-Arab Relations: From Conflict to Resolution," organized by the The Harry S. Truman Research Center for the Advancement of Peace, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 16-17 March 2006.
40. "Hizbullah – Between Islam and Lebanon," paper submitted at the International conference on "Political Islam in the Middle East and Beyond," organized by the The Chiam Herzog Center for Middle Eastern Studies and Diplomacy, ben Gurion University of the Negev, 29-30 March 2006.
41. "Syria – Regime and State." Paper submitted at the International Conference on "The Middle East in the XXI Century: Realities and Challenges." Organized by the Institute of International Relations of Kiev National Taras Shevchenko University, 10-11 April 2006.
42. "The Arab State and Radical Islam" paper submitted at the International Conference on "Radical Islam: Challenge and Response," organized by the The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Bar Ilan University, 24-25 May 2006.
43. "The Arab World in the wake of Israel's War in Lebanon." Paper submitted at the MESA (Middle East Studies Association of North America) Annual Conference, Boston, 18-21 November 2006.
44. "The Arab World following the War in Lebanon." Paper submitted at a conference on "The Second Lebanon War and its Aftermath," the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Bar Ilan University, 13-14 November 2006.
45. "The Suez Campaign – Why did not Syria Join the war." Paper submitted at a Conference on "the 1956 War," the Herzl Institute for Research of Zionism, Haifa University, 5-6 December 2006.
46. "Syria, Lebanon and the Hizballah toward a Next Round?," paper submitted at a conference on "The Second Lebanon War," the School of Political Sciences at Haifa University, 12 December 2006.
47. "Whither Syria," paper delivered at a conference on "After Lebanon: A New Middle East?," the Gloria Center at the IDC, Herzliya, 6 January 2007.
48. "Iran, Alawite Syria and Hizballah: Who is Calling the Shots." Paper submitted at a conference on "Iran, Hizballah and Hamas: Money, Martyrdom and the Mahdi," the Truman Institute, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 13 April 2007.
49. "The Syria's Jewish Community under the Assad Regime." Paper submitted at a conference on "Syrian Jewry: History, Identity and Heritage, the Aharon and Rachel Dahan Center for Culture, Society and Education in the Sephardic Heritage at Bar-Ilan University, 29-30 May 2007.
50. "The Future of Syria." Paper submitted at an international conference on "The Future of the Middle East," the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Bar Ilan University, 12-13 June 2007.
51. " Israel and Syria – between War and Peace." Paper submitted at the AIS (Association of Israel Studies) annual conference, The Open University, Ra'anana, 111-13 June 2007.
52. "Syria’s Dilemma: Between Washington and Tehran." Paper submitted at the Sixth METU Conference on International Relations: "Middle East in Global and Regional Perspectives," Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 14-17 June 2007.
53. "Israel and the Arab World – Challenges and Prospects" Paper submitted at the MESA (Middle East Studies Association of North America) Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, 17-20 November 2007.
54. "Military Intervention and Democratization: Global Order and the Radical Islamic Challenge in Lebanon." Paper submitted at the international conference on "The Global and the Local: International Efforts to Resolve Local Conflict, organized by The S. Daniel Abraham Center for International and Regional Studies, The Tami Steimentz Center for Peace Research, The Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, The Institute for National Security Studies (INSS). Tel Aviv University, 25-27 May 2008.
55. "Syria – the Road to the Six Day War," in a conference on the Six Day War – Regional and International Dimensions," organized by the Moshe Dayan Center, Tel Aviv University, 6 June 2008..
56. "The Hizballah-Israel War of 2006 and its consequences for the internal situation in Lebanon. Paper presented at the international conference on the Middle East , organized by the center for Contemporary Middle East Studies, the University of south Denmark, Odensa , Denmark 26-27 september 2008
57. "Israel and Syria – It's a long road to Peace," in the MESA (Middle East Studies Association of North America) Annual Conference in Washington D. C., in 20-23 November 2008.
58. "The Syrian Ba`th Regime - the Challenge of Islam," in a conference on the "Arab World – between Nationalism and Secularism," organized by the Moshe Dayan Center. 8 March 2009.
59. "Hizballa – Three Years after the Second Lebanon War," in a conference on the Second Lebanon war, organized by the INSS, 12 July 2009.
60. "Israel, Iran and the Arab World" in the MESA (Middle East Studies Association of North America) Annual Conference in Boston, in 21-24 November 2009.
61. “Memoirs Do Not Deceive: Syrians Consider the Fascist and Nazi Options – as reflected in the Memoirs of Syrian Political Leaders and Intellectuals,” in an international conference on Arab Responses to Fascism and Nazism, 1933-1945: Reappraisals and New directions
Research workshop 23-26 May 2010, Tel Aviv University
62. ""Lebanon's regional role," in a Conference on "Lebanon: Strategic and Military Perspectives," organized by the Department of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen and the Institute for Strategy at the Royal Danish Defence College, in Copenhagen, in 3 September 2010
63. "Syria's Politics and Economy'" in a conference on "Bashar al-Asad’s First Decade – A Period of Transition for Syria?," organized by Lund University, Sweden, on 7-10 October 2010.
64. "Israel and the Arab World- between War and Peace" in the MESA (Middle East Studies Association of North America) Annual Conference in San Diego, in 18-21 November 2010.
65. Israel and the Arab Spring," in an international conference on The Arab Spring: What are the driving forces; Where is it heading; What are the Implications for the region and beyond?, organized by the NZ Institute of International Affairs and the Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, 2 August 2011.
65. "Israel and the Arab Spring – The Syrian case" in the MESA (Middle East Studies Association of North America) Annual Conference in Washington, in 1-4 December 2011.
66. "Syria and the October War – the Missed Opportunity" in October 1973: The Politics, Diplomacy and Legacy of the Yom Kippur War, University of Birmingham, Brussels, 2-4 May 2012,
66. "Israel and the Syrian Revolution," in the MESA (Middle East Studies Association of North America) Annual Conference in Denver, in 16-20 December 2012.
67. "Israel and the Syrian Revolution," MESA (Middle East Studies Association of North America) Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, 10-13 October 2013
68. "Israel and the New Middle East," Australian Centre for Jewish Civilisation at Monash university, Melbourne, Australia 5-12 march 2014.
69. "On the Sidelines? The Civil War in Syria from regional and international perspectives, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, 24 April 2014
70. "Israel and the Arab Spring," the Center for Israeli Studies at the National School of Political Science and Public Administration and at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest, Romania, 14 May 2014.
71. Israel in a New Middle East, in the MESA (Middle East Studies Association of North America) Annual Conference in Washington D. C., 22-25 November 2014
72. Syria – The Ba’th Party and the National Progressive Front (NPF) – a False Democratic Experience, International Conference on Syria: History, Politics and Foreign Policy, Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Ankara - 9-11 April 2015.
Awards and Grants
1988 - 1992 The Colton Foundation, the Colton Scholarship for doctoral students.
2000 - ISF, Faces of Syria - Community, Identity and State
2007 - ISF, Syria the French Mandate - the Forgotten Years - the Liberal Age
2007- Adenauer Fund - Jewish-Arab Cooperation (KAP), the Arab Minority in Israel
2008 - The Süleyman Demirel Program for Contemporary Turkish Studies
2009 - Yad Hanadiv, the Arab Press, Past and Persent