ד"ר מאיר פינקל- דוקטורט מאמרים


המאמרים הבאים מהווים את הדוקטורט של ד"ר מאיר פינקל: 


  1. Finkel, M., Gopher, A. & Barkai, R. (2016). Extensive Paleolithic flint extraction and reduction complexes in the Nahal Dishon central basin, Upper Galilee, Israel. Journal of World Prehistory, 29: 217–266.


  1. Finkel, M., Gopher, A., Ben-Yosef, E., & Barkai, R. (2017). An extensive Neolithic/Chalcolithic axe and adze workshop found within a Paleolithic extraction complex at Mt. Reihan, northeastern Galilee, Israel. Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society, 47, 5-32.


  1. Finkel, M., Gopher, A., Ben-Yosef, E., & Barkai, R. (2018). A Middle Paleolithic and Neolithic/Chalcolithic Flint Extraction and Reduction Complex at Mt. Achbara, Eastern Galilee, Israel. Archaeological Research in Asia. doi.org/10.1016/j.ara.2018.01.004.


  1. Finkel, M & Gopher, A. (2018). Size Matters: The Role of Nodule Size in Assessing Lithic Transportation—The Case of the Mount Reihan Flint Extraction and Axe/Adze Workshop, Dishon Basin, Eastern Galilee, Israel. Lithic Technology, 43(3): 186-200..


  1. Finkel, M., Barkai, R., Gopher, A., Tirosh, O., & Ben-Yosef, E. (2019). The ‘Flint Depot’ of Prehistoric Northern Israel: Comprehensive Geochemical Analyses (ICP-MS) of Flint Extraction and Reduction Complexes and Implications for Provenance Studies. Geoarchaeology, 34(6): 661-683.  .


  1. Finkel, M. (2020). When flint for items of large volume is in high demand: The "Flint Depot" of prehistoric northern Israel during the Lower-Middle Paleolithic and Neolithic/Chalcolithic times. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 29.


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