
Prof. Jonathan Ben-Dov


פרופ' יונתן בן דב


Prof. Jonathan Ben-Dov studies the Hebrew Bible and Second Temple literature as part of their environment, in the Ancient Near east and the Hellenistic world. He has a special interest in the Dead Sea Scrolls and apocalyptic literature, including aspects of material and digital reconstruction of these materials. In addition he studies ancient time reckoning, astronomy and calendars, as well as various books of the Hebrew Bible.


Office: Rosenberg 118

Prof. Guy Darshan, Department Chair


ד"ר גיא דרשן

Dr. Guy Darshan studies the history of biblical literature in the context of the surrounding civilizations, particularly the eastern Mediterranean cultures, as well as the development of the biblical text, its various recensions, and the canonization process. His book, After the Flood: Stories of Origins in the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Mediterranean Literature (The Biblical Encyclopaedia Library 35; Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 2018 [Hebrew]), is about to appear in an English updated version (Cambridge University Press). Among his recent projects are a new commentary on 1 Maccabees for the Hermeneia series (together with Doron Mendels) and a monograph on the development of the Septuagint and Masoretic versions of the Book of Kings.

Phone: 972-3-6408557
Office: Rosenberg 115
Website on Academia.edu

Prof. Meira Polliack


Prof. Meira Polliack

Meira Polliack is Professor of Bible and the Joseph and Ceil Mazer Chair in Jewish Culture in Muslim Lands and Cairo Geniza Studies. She has been teaching at the department of Biblical Studies, Tel Aviv University since 1996, mainly on biblical literature, medieval Bible exegesis and reception history. Polliack specialized in medieval Arabic Bible translations and Geniza sources, including Karaite literature. She was one of the Principle Investigators of the international research project Biblia Arabica - The Bible in Arabic among Jews, Christians and Muslims (2012-2018; https://biblia-arabica.com/). Her recent ISF grant (2017-2021) was devoted to “The Davidic Narratives and David's Portrayal (The Books of Samuel and Psalms) in Medieval and Renaissance Jewish Translation and Exegesis, A Comparative Religious Approach.” Since 2008, she is co-editor (with Michael G. Wechsler) of the prestigious Book Series Karaite Texts and Studies - Études sur le judaïsme médiéval (Brill). Polliack has published widely on biblical reception exegesis, Bible as literature, Bible and trauma studies, medieval Jewish Bible translation and exegesis in the Islamic milieu, Judaeo-Arabic literature, Karaism, and the Cairo Geniza. For her publications see https://cris.tau.ac.il/en/persons/meira-polliack https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8538-1492


Office: Rosenberg 314

Prof. Dalit Rom-Shiloni


Prof. Dalit Rom-Shiloni

Prof. Dalit Rom-Shiloni focuses on Hebrew Bible theology, group-identity conflicts, inner-biblical allusion and interpretation, the formation of sixth-century BCE prophetic and poetic literatures (thus on Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Lamentations, and Psalms). Rom-Shiloni initiated and leads as General Editor the DNI Bible project (Dictionary of Nature Imagery of the Bible, https://dni.tau.ac.il/), and the DNI Bible Supplements series (Bloomsbury T&T Clark), and she writes on and teaches courses on biblical nature imagery and conceptions of nature in the Bible. Among her publications are Exclusive Inclusivity: Identity Conflicts between the Exiles and the People Who Remained (6th–5th Centuries BCE) (2013); Voices from the Ruins: Theodicy and the Fall of Jerusalem in the Hebrew Bible (2021); and she is co-authoring a commentary on Exodus with Prof. Jeffery H. Tigay for Mikra LeYisra’el. Rom-Shiloni is the Founding Director of the Orit Guardians MA and research program, dedicated to the study and research of the Ethiopic Bible Scriptures of Beta Israel. She serves as General Editor of the journal Beit Mikra; and as a member of the SBL Council. For a list of publications see: https://cris.tau.ac.il/en/persons/dalit-rom-shiloni 
and https://telaviv.academia.edu/DalitRomShiloni.

Office: Rosenberg 117

 Dr. Talia Sutskover 


Dr. Talia Sutskover


Sutskover studies the Hebrew Bible through a literary-cognitive approach, including comparison to Ancient Near Eastern literature. Her work puts special focus on the senses, semantic frames, Spatial Theory, and classical biblical Hebrew. 




Office: Rosenberg 301