פרס פונקנשטיין

בשנת 1999 החלה מסורת משותפת למכון כהן ולבית הספר להיסטוריה להענקת פרס ע"ס 10,000 שקלים לזכרו של פרופ' עמוס פונקנשטיין, ממייסדי מכון כהן.

אחת לשנה מוענק הפרס לעבודת מחקר מצטיינת לתואר שני או שלישי בתחומים שנוגעים באלה שבהם עסק פרופ׳ פונקנשטיין.
מועמדות לפרס תישקל לגבי עבודת גמר לתואר שני ועבודות דוקטורט אשר הוגשו לשיפוט, ושיפוטן הסתיים במהלך השנה האקדמית שחלפה.
PhD Thesis/MA Thesis |
Advisors |
Title |
Student Name |
Year |
PhD Thesis |
The late Prof. Marcelo Dascal, Prof. Yosef Schartz |
Controversies and Enlightenment: Gnostic Elements in Leibniz’s Philosophy | Aviram Sariel | 2024 |
PhD Thesis |
Prof. Menachem Fisch Prof. Leo Corry |
Living with contradiction: Testing models of framework transitions through Brouwer’s intuitionism
Kati Kish Bar-On | 2023 |
PhD Thesis |
Prof. Moshe Zuckerman Prof. Itzhak Gilboa |
Conjecturing Beliefs: Abductive Inference in Monetary Plicymaking | Mickey Peled | 2022 |
MA Thesis |
Prof. Jose Bruner Dr. Snait Gissis |
Marie Currie: Biographical Constructions of a Scientific Heroine | Tuval Klein | 2021 |
MA Thesis |
Prof. Yossi Schwartz Prof. Matteo Valleriani |
The Tacuinum Sanitatis. Practices of Collecting and Presenting Medical Knowledge Between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance | Noga Shlomi | 2020 |
MA Thesis | Prof. Yossi Schwartz | Rabbi Moshe Hefetz and his Book Melekhet Makhshevet: Science, Theology and Skepticism in Early Modern Venice | Ahuviya Goren | 2019 |
MA Thesis
Dr. Ido Yavetz Prof. Matteo Valleriani
Statistical Considerations for Rethinking the Historiography of Ancient Greek Astronomy |
Zvi Hasnes Beninson |
2018 |
MA Thesis
Prof. Yossi Schwartz |
Perceptions of the Torah in Medieval Jewish Hermeneutics – a Comparative Studyof Ibn Ezra, Maimonides and Nahmanides |
Ayal Hayut-man |
2017 |
PhD Thesis |
Prof. Yossi Schwartz Prof. Daniel Dor |
Karl Kraus: Language, Society and the Rise of the Media- Technology".
Gal Hertz |
2016 |
PhD Thesis |
Prof. Benjamin Arbel |
A Tale of Three Thirsty Cities The Innovative Water Supply Systems of Toledo, London and Paris in the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century |
Chaim Shulman |
2015 |
MA Thesis |
Prof. Rivka Feldhay |
A few Thoughts concerning Leibniz's Odd Though |
Dikla Bytner | 2015 |
PhD Thesis |
Prof. Eva Jablonka Prof. Shulamit Volkov |
’Social-Mendelism’: The Effects of Mendel’s Theorems on the Formation of Human Sciences in Germany, 1900-1936 |
Amir Teicher |
2014 |
MA Thesis
Prof. Moshe Zuckerman |
The Order of the Symbol: Joseph De Maistre's Considerations of the Symbolic Representation as Major Element in the Political Life |
Yigal Liverant |
2013 |
PhD Thesis |
Prof. Yossef Schwartz Prof. Peter S. Hawkins |
Dante Alighieri the Secular Theologian: Reception, Authority and Subversion 1320-1483 |
Leon Jacobowitz Efron |
2011 |
PhD Thesis |
Prof. Rivka Feldhay |
Honorè Fabri and the history of Mechanics |
Michael Elazar |
2010 |
PhD Thesis |
Prof. Menachem Fisch |
The Languages of Talmudic Discourse: A Philosophical Study of the Evolution of Amoraic Halakha |
Ariel Furstenberg |
2009 |
PhD Thesis |
Prof. Adi Ophir Prof. Anat Biletzki |
A Post-Structural Reading of a Logico-Mathematical Text |
Roy Wagner |
2008 |
MA Thesis |
Prof. Gideon Freudenthal |
On Scientist's Use of Tools: The Limits of the Sociological Approach |
Eran Tal |
2007 |
MA Thesis |
Prof. Yosef Schwartz |
Reflexive Thinking in the Divine Realm and in Human Thinking in the Writigns of Alberus Magnus |
Ayelet Ibn Ezra |
2006 |
MA Thesis |
Prof. Irad Malkin |
The Principle of Spatial Continuity between "Imaginary" and "Real" Territories in the Geographical Conception of the Earth's Confines in Homerus' and Hesiod's Poetry |
Gali Schapira |
2005 |
MA Thesis |
Prof. Jose Brunner |
The Case Of Ellen West: Between Psychotherapy & Existentialism |
Naama Akaviah |
2004 |
PhD Dissertation |
Prof. Ron Barkai |
Dreams, Medicine And Therapy In The Middle Ages – The Theory Of Dreams In Islamic And Jewish Culture |
Hagar Smilanski |
2003 |
MA Thesis |
Prof. Adi Ophir |
Jeremy Bentham's Panopticon: A Moral Domain |
Michal Givoni |
2002 |
MA Thesis |
Prof. Yossi Mali |
King Of Desires: Blaise Pascal On Nature,Illusion And Domination |
Galia Uri-Asseo |
2001 |
MA Thesis |
Prof. Gideon Freudenthal |
The Law Of Determinability: Maimon After Leibniz and Kant and Before Hegel |
Oded Schechter |
2000 |
PhD Dissertation |
Prof. Ron Barkai |
Astrology and Biblical Exegesis in Abraham Ibn Ezra's Thought |
Shlomo Sela |
1999 |