Research Seminar 08.07.24: Menachem Fisch and Debra Band - Qohelet: Searching for a Life Worth Living

Monday, 08.07.24, 18:00, Gilman 449

Debra Band

Independent Artist-Scholar

Menachem Fisch

Cohn Institute

Qohelet: Searching for a Life Worth Living


In Qohelet: Searching for a Life Worth Living, Menachem Fisch and Debra Band join forces in offering a first-ever reading of Qohelet as a sustained theo-philosophical attempt to address the fundamental predicament faced by any reasoned human undertaking and all revealed religion. It also offers the first-ever interpretive il-lumination, a comprehensive visual midrash, of both the entire He-brew and English text. Taking the book’s keyword “hevel” as de-noting temporality and impermanence rather than vanity and mean-inglessness, Qohelet is shown to present one of the most anxious and insightful philosophical studies of the prospects of human rea-soning and cooperation, as well as a refreshingly non-submissive form of monotheistic religiosity.


Gathering for coffee and refreshments at 17:45, in room 450

Chair: Shaul Katzir

The public is invited

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