Research Seminar 20.01.25: Noa Shein - Henry More contra Descartes and Spinoza: the charge of Atheist Materialism

יום שני 20.01.25 שעה 18:00, בניין גילמן חדר 496.


Link to the Video: Research Seminar 20.01.25: Noa Shein - Henry More contra Descartes and Spinoza: the charge of Atheist Materialism

Noa Shein

The Hebrew University

Henry More contra Descartes and Spinoza:

the charge of Atheist Materialism

Henry More (1614-1687) was a colleague of Isaac Newton at Cambridge, corresponded with Descartes, tutored Anne Conway, and published two critical works aimed at Spinoza. Although More is often marginalized in contemporary discussions of early modern philosophy, his intellectual influence was substantial during his lifetime. He criticized both Cartesianism and Spinozism for promoting or endorsing atheist materialism. It is not, however, immediately evident how Cartesianism could lead to atheism, given the central role of God in Descartes’ metaphysics, epistemology, and scientific framework. Nor is it clear why his attitudes toward Descartes and Spinoza were markedly divergent. In this paper, I address these queries and propose that More recognizes a significant convergence between his own views and response to Descartes and those of Spinoza. However, this resemblance alarms More, as it culminates in the unsettling notion of a fully deterministic material world that allows no space for a creative God—a conclusion that would have been entirely abhorrent to him.

Gathering for coffee and refreshments at 17:45

Chair: Ori Belkind

The public is invited

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