Research Seminar 25.11.24: Lotem Elber-Dorozko

יום שני 25.11.24 שעה 18:00, בניין גילמן חדר 449.

Link for the Video: Research Seminar 25.11.24: Lotem Elber-Dorozko

Lotem Elber-Dorozko

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

What makes the best models in neuroscience so convincing? The ring model as a case study


Among the many controversies in neuroscience, there are a few specific models that stand out as generally accepted explanations of how cognitive capacities are performed. I investigate what differentiates these models from others by focusing on the case study of the ring model as a model for head-direction representation in the fly. The main property that works in its favor is the striking correspondence between the model and anatomical features; the abstract ring of head-direction representations in the model is taken to be implemented in a physical, anatomical ring. I argue that this uniquely allows the model to reveal something new about how the brain is organized, and what are its functions.

Gathering for coffee and refreshments at 17:45

Chair: Ori Belkind

The public is invited